Dental Plans

PEBB dental plans available to Unclassified & Classified Employees

Comparison of Dental plans

  •  “Full-time” plans are available to: 
    • Faculty (Unclassified employees) .50FTE to 1.00 FTE
    • Staff (Classified employees) .75 FTE to 1.0 FTE
    • Staff (Classified employees) .50 to .74 FTE
    • Retirees
  •  “Part-time” plans are only available to:  Classified Part-time employees (.50-.74FTE) and Retirees
    • Plans are designed specifically for part-time employees in an effort to keep plans more affordable
    • Staff (Classified employees) at .50 FTE to .74 FTE may choose from any of the plans offered:  Full-time or Part-time

PEBB Dental Plans - Overview

Delta Dental Premier (Moda) Premier (Full-time & Part-time Plans)

  • Can use any licensed dentist
  • Maximum annual benefit per covered individual is
    • Full-time plan:  $1,750
    • Part-time plan: $1,250
  • A one-year waiting period will apply for some services if you and/or your dependents are not covered in a PEBB dental plan when you/they are first eligible
  • ODS (Moda) Dental website


Delta Dental PPO (Moda) (Full-time Plan ONLY)

  • Use Statewide Preferred Provider (PPO) Network for higher benefit level 
  • Maximum annual benefit per covered individual is $1,750
  • Progressively higher benefit level for basic and maintenance services if you visit your preferred dentist at least once per year
    • Plan pays:  1st year = 80%; 2nd year = 90%; 3rd year = 100%.
    • Failure to visit your preferred dentist will cause a 10% reduction in payment the following year, although payment will not fall below 80%.
  • A one-year waiting period will apply for some services if you and/or your dependents are not covered in a PEBB dental plan when you/they are first eligible
  • ODS (Moda) Dental website


Willamette Dental Plan (Full-time Plan ONLY)


Kaiser Permanente (Full-time & Part-time Plans)

  • Must Live or work in the Kaiser Service Area (Willamette Valley – Salem & Portland areas)
  • HMO– must use Kaiser facilities located in the Salem/Portland area
  • Maximum annual benefit per covered individual is
    • Full-time plan:  $1,750
    • Part-time plan: $1,250
  • Do not need to be enrolled in the Kaiser medical plan
  • Kaiser Permanente website


Additional Resources:  PEBB website