Jury Duty and Appearance as a Witness

0700 Leaves and Absences
Policy Number

Human Resources Manual

Policies, Guidelines and Reference Material
Statutory Authority
  • ORS 351.070

Jury Duty and Appearances as a Witness before a Court, Legislative Committee, or Quasi-Judicial Body

Time spent in jury duty is considered leave with pay.  The employee’s department chair or unit head is to be informed in writing by the employee when he/she has been selected for jury duty.

Appearance before a court, legislative committee, or quasi-judicial body as a witness must be in response to a subpoena or other directive from the proper court authority.  The employee’s department chair or unit head is to be informed in writing by the employee that he/she has been subpoenaed or directed to appear.  

If an unclassified employee is making a court or legislative appearance as part of his/her consulting or other similar “outside activities,” the appearance must comply with University policies and procedures for outside activities.  In all cases, the employee’s department chair or unit head is to be informed in writing.  The employee is expected to work with her/his supervisor to schedule court appearances so as to provide minimal disruption to the University.

Jury duty leave with pay does not apply if the unclassified employee has been charged with a crime.