Benny Hire Hourly Help

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Job postings that are currently open within PeopleAdmin are in Benny Hire-Hourly Student solution.  An overnight feed from People Admin will bring student application information into Benny Hire-Hourly Student.

The CHC Release form will be pre-populated using information provided in Benny Hire and sent using DocuSign within the Benny Hire-Hourly Student solution.

The Student Employment Service Center team sends out the DocuSign packets within the Benny Hire workflow.

All student employment posting requests will go through Benny Hire and posted by the Student Employment Service Center team into PeopleAdmin.  The search process including where student submit applications and where applications are reviewed remain in PeopleAdmin.  Student application information will be loaded into Benny Hire in an overnight feed from PeopleAdmin. 

Motor Vehicle History Check (MVHC) instructions will automatically be emailed to the student employee through Benny Hire.

Please contact the Student Employment Service Center at [email protected] for questions regarding the Benny Hire workflow or student recruitment or hiring processes and policies.

All student employment is managed through the Student Employment Service Center located in the University Plaza suite 150.

All graduate assistant positions are managed by the HR Grad Assistant team at the Student Employment Service Center located in the University Plaza suite 150.

DUO is a two-factor authentication security service to protect against "account takeover" and data theft.  It's a modern security solution to protect against modern security threats.

With the implementation of Benny Hire-Hourly Student, non-competitive hires do not require a job posting.  The non-competitive hiring process only pertains to positions that are less than 7 days, students that are uniquely qualified for the position or in situations where the student is returning to a position they held after a term off.

Student Employment Service Center

These continue to be located in PeopleAdmin.

Benny Hire pulls workstudy information in Student Employment Service Center role during the eligibility review stage.

Hourly student employment rates are tied to the student classification and minimum wage rates based on the location for which the work is being performed.  

Yes, departments can pay more than the minimum wage rate.

All new hires still need to be check through the extensive reference check database managed by Employee and Labor Relations; however, without the requirement for a Criminal History Check (CHC) the hiring process can move quickly.

There potentially could be 3 emails sent to the student during the hiring process.

  1. If the successful candidate does not have an SSN in Banner and they are a Non-Resident Alien an email will be sent with the SSN Verification Form along with information on how to get a SSN from the office in Albany.
  2. When the successful candidate requires New Hire Forms and an I-9, an email will be sent with instructions on what they need to do in order to start working.
  3. Once all the required steps are complete (new hire forms, I-9, CHC/MVHC) an email will be sent to the student and supervisor of record notifying them, the student is cleared for work. This includes information on EmpCenter, Direct Deposit, and Duo. 

Not all departments currently have a liaison appointed.  To determine if your department has a liaison, contact the Student Employment Service Center (SESC) for assistance.

The Benny Hire process does not include a budget or business office authority review.  It is expected the Liaison or hiring supervisor is the budget authority for their department or has previously received budget authority approval to post the position for hiring.

Benny Hire has an interface called “non-competitive” hires which does not have a job posting component in PeopleAdmin.  Non-competitive hires must be processed through the department Liaison or Student Employment Service Center (SESC).  In essence, the student applies, a Student Employment Request Form (SERF) is completed by the liaison or the Student Employment Service Center (SESC) and the hiring process begins.

Only department liaisons have a SalesForce license/account which gives them access to the Benny Hire applications (Job Posting Request Form, Hourly Appointment Form and the dashboards)

Student Employment Service Center (SESC) has been bringing recent postings with a current status of “posted” into Benny Hire.  If you are not finding yours, contact Student Employment Service Center (SESC) and they will assist you.

Yes, use the “Additional Email” field on the Student Job Posting Request Form for this purpose, or contact the Student Employment Service Center (SESC) and they will set this up for you.

Three days is the minimum where a position is posted for one day only (OSU minimum) and there are no “new hire forms” or Criminal History Check (CHC) requirements or Motor Vehicle History Check (MVHC).

Getting the student to bring in their original, physical identification document (e.g. social security card or passport) for verification.  This cannot be a photocopy.

Yes, since courtesy faculty are provided an ONID, however, a courtesy appointment cannot be the “supervisor of record.”

Department Liaison Questions

Student Job Posting Request Form – this contains the Job Posting Request form, which is used to create a new Job Posting
Job Posting – This is your dashboard to track job postings that your unit has initiated and require action
Non-Competitive Hourly Hire – This contains the interface to initiate a non-competitive hourly appointment
Hourly Appointments – This is your dashboard to track hourly appointments your unit has initiated or are a part of and require action

An email will be sent to the student with instructions and resources guiding them through the process to complete the necessary form with the assistance of International Student Services and turn the form into the Social Security Office.  The Student Employment Service Center will complete the process to assign the student a temporary SSN to establish a Banner record for the student employee.  

You can log into the Benny Hire application within the Salesforce platform by going to Licensed users will sign into Benny Hire with ONID credentials.   After authenticating, you will be taken to the Benny Hire application. If you have already authenticated, you may be taken straight to the application. 

Please reach out to the Student Employment Service Center at [email protected] for assistance with postings or applicants for which you can't find in Benny Hire.  

If you find a bug in the system or have a feature you wish to request, please email [email protected].

For our remote offices, new hire DocuSign packets can be routed to the department liaison at that office for completion of the I9 document. Please contact the Student Employment Service Center at [email protected] for additional information.

Yes, multiple indexes can be assigned when using the Single Hire (one student to one position) job appointment form.

Yes, you will still need to fill out the General Information tab on the Student Job Posting Request From as this contains the timely information the Student Employment Service Center needs. Under the Position Details tab in the Position Summary box enter old posting identifying information. (ex. PeopleAdmin posting ID, when was this position last posted, and/or the name of a student that was hired.)

No, at this time emails are not generated to notify licensed users that appointments are in their cue.  The Benny Hire technical team is researching options to address this question.  

Yes, Benny Hire integrates with Banner to show all active student employment position numbers.  If a new position number is necessary, there is an option for the liaison role to click to start a workflow.

An email is sent to the student employee and hiring supervisor when the student position has been loaded to Banner, has an active timesheet in EmpCenter and is cleared to work. The Department Liaison will see the appointment has been moved to the Active stage in Benny Hire.

Yes.  Additional information on how to customize your dashboard, click here.

Hourly Student Supervisor Questions

You can communicate your successful candidate for hire to your designated department liaison or for those departments without a Benny Hire liaison, they can be directly communicated to the Student Employment Service Center team at [email protected].

Appointments go through the SalesForce system which requires a license/account to access.  While supervisors do not typically have a SalesForce account, their department liaison has access and can check the status of the hiring progress of an hourly appointment.

OSU policy requires a position to be posted for a minimum of 24 hours.  From there the hiring supervisor chooses the time the length of time the position posting is to remain open.

The “welcome” email is sent to new hire and the hiring supervisor.  Liaison will have the notification within their Benny Hire dashboard.

  • CHC: Criminal History Check
  • MVHC: Motor Vehicle History Check
  • SESC: Student Employment Service Center
  • SERF: Student Employment Request Form


Yes with some exceptions, which includes their need to be in a supervisor “enabled” position.

Other Questions?

Please reach out to [email protected].