Drug-Free Workplace & Campus Philosophy

Alcohol and drug abuse is not conducive to the pursuit of a career or an education. OSU is committed to maintaining a workplace and educational environment free from the abuse of alcohol and the unlawful manufacture, use, dispensing, possession, or distribution of controlled substances. All employees of the University are expected to abide by the University's policy regarding a drug-free workplace.

We believe it is critical to respond compassionately to employees or students who seek help for personal drug problems. However, it is equally critical to respond firmly to alcohol abuse and illegal drug activity. Employees or students who are found to be involved in alcohol abuse or illegal drug activity are subject to appropriate University disciplinary action and possible criminal prosecution in the courts. However, employees and students who are willing to seek help for drug dependency will find the University supportive of their recovery efforts. OSU may waive disciplinary action and maintain confidentiality for employees and students willing to get help.

Overview of OSU’s Drug-Free Policy


OSU expects that where alcohol use is permitted on campus, employees and students will abide by all laws and local ordinances as well as University policies. No person under the age of 21 is permitted to consume or possess alcohol on campus. The consumption of beer and wine is permitted only in certain places and specific circumstances as prescribed in Oregon State University Standards 576-60-0010 to 576-60-0040. These documents are available from the Student Involvement Center, LaSells Stewart Center, Memorial Union Business Office, the Athletic Department, and the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration. When used on campus as allowed, users must follow the "Responsible Drinking Standards" as outlined.

Controlled Substances

OSU expects employees and students to abide by federal, state and local laws prohibiting the illegal use, possession, manufacture, dispensing or distribution of controlled substances. Controlled substances include alcohol as described above, prescription medications and illegal drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, PCP, psilocybin, LSD, peyote, heroin, amphetamine, methamphetamine, mescaline, opium and its derivatives, and "designer" drugs.

Obligation to Inform

Abuse of alcohol or use of a controlled substance in the workplace must be avoided. Any employee convicted of violating a criminal drug statute in the workplace must notify his or her supervisor and the Director of Human Resources, no later than five days after such conviction. If the employee is involved in work supported by a federal agency, the University will notify the federal agency within ten days after receiving notice of the criminal drug statute conviction. Within 30 days of receiving notification that an employee has been convicted of violating a criminal drug statute in the workplace, the University will take appropriate personnel action and/or will require the employee to participate satisfactorily in an alcohol or other drug rehabilitation program. Any student convicted of violating a criminal drug statute on Oregon State University owned or controlled property or during any university-sanctioned function must notify the Director of Financial Aid, if that student is receiving any form of federal financial aid (e.g., Pell Grants). The Director of Financial Aid will then notify the Secretary of the United States Department of Education. Conviction on any drug related charge is grounds for forfeiture of federal financial aid. University-level sanctions are also possible.

At OSU, we strive to provide an excellent learning and teaching environment while developing a campus environment that supports healthy choices for living. Included in the choices that confront us all are decisions about the use of alcohol and other substances. If you or someone you know is being effected by alcohol or drug use, please use the recommended resources.  If you should have any questions, please contact:


Chief Human Resources Officer


Kelly Hower, Executive Director, Student Health Services

  • Phone: 541-737-9355

Terrence McTier, Director, Student Conduct and Community Standards