Position Summary:
[Briefly summarize why the position exists and its role in achieving unit/program objectives.]
This position is the chief executive of the College of [XXXXX] and reports to the Provost. Responsibilities include oversight of academic and administrative programs including development/implementation of strategic plans, allocation of resources (budgets, staff, equipment), operational success and the evaluation of results that support OSU’s goals and mission.
[Identifies the breadth and scope of decisions, the level of autonomy and review, and any specific guidelines used to make those decisions, i.e. curriculum guidelines, etc.]
Has authority to allocate resources and responsibility to manage the College to meet expected results. Provides leadership and direction for staff.
[Describe the major or most important duties performed by this position. Be clear about both the overall function and specifics of work performed. There should be an easily identifiable relationship between the duties, position summary, decision-making and lead work/supervisory responsibilities.]
XX% Provide leadership for the College in fostering excellence in teaching, research and service to the community; ensure academic programs that challenge and encourage students in inquiry and application, in both current and future curriculum/program development and implementation.
XX% Prepare and implements strategic plans; short and long-range goals to meet University mission.
XX% Provide leadership and active participation in the pursuit of diverse funding sources for innovative programs/curriculum/research, including fundraising initiatives and partnerships.
XX% Promote diversity through pursuit of stated goals for students, staff and faculty.
XX% Provide leadership, supervision and direction for the College, including staff: Hires and trains employees; plans, assigns and reviews work; establishes goals and assesses performance through completion of written evaluations; acts on disciplinary issues, up to and including dismissal; addresses grievances and develops a plan for corrective action. Actively promotes faculty and staff development.