Managers as Leaders

Part of the Leadership Development Project

Leadership Collaborative: Managers as Leaders graphic

Managers as Leaders Course Offered, fall 2020

As part of the University Human Resources’ commitment to support Oregon State University's managers and supervisors, Managers as Leaders 2020 (ML2020), is being offered this fall. Managers as Leaders is reserved for OSU’s managers and supervisors, including those who supervise academic and professional faculty, and staff. This does not include people who are in lead roles with students.

Managers as Leaders Course Goal: People in management and supervisory positions will integrate leadership and management functions into seamless, graceful and effective performance that achieves institutional objectives while unleashing the potential of all OSU employees to create greatness.

View a complete schedule of session dates, times and locations on the course schedule page.

Important note: LCI: Emergence, which is open to all OSU employees, is not being offered in fall 2020. If you are interested in LCI: Emergence, please send an email to Training & Development so you can be notified when the next LCI: Emergence course is offered.

Course Description

Managers as Leaders course description

Managers as Leaders Flyer

Managers as Leaders is part of the Leadership Development Project.