Employment of Minors

Academic Faculty
0300 Recruitment and Selection
Policy Number

Human Resources Manual

Policies, Guidelines and Reference Material
Statutory Authority
  • ORS 653

Hiring Restrictions for Students Under the Age of 18

Employment of Minors (Ages 14-17) Under the Following Conditions

14- and 15-Years of Age: When school is in session, 14- and 15-year-olds can work three hours per day and eight hours per day on non-school days. A maximum of 18 hours per week is allowed from 7 am to 7 pm. Working during school hours is prohibited. When school is not in session, 14- and 15-year-olds can work eight hours per day from 7 am to 9 pm. A maximum of 40 hours per week is allowed only from June 1 through Labor Day.

16- and 17-Years of Age: 16- and 17-year-olds can work any hours with a maximum of 44 hours per week.

Authorized Oregon State University Duties

Ages 14-17: Pick/prune fruit; prep seeds; rogue weeds, collect/clean grain samples; farm work; feed cattle; lab aide; camp counselor; library clerk; lifeguard/instructor; general office; errands; cashier; issue athletic equipment/supplies; dishwasher; window washing; grounds keeping; and janitorial. Operating tractor/farm machinery without safety training and close supervision is prohibited.

Ages 16-17: Farm/landscape machinery; use of steam cleaners, ovens (pizza, bakery, and convection), pressure washers, and air compressors.

Operation of Motor Vehicles by Minor Employees

No employee under 18 years of age may be employed to drive on public roadways as part of his or her job.

Breaks and Meals

Allow for 15-minute breaks during each four-hour block of work time. Meal periods of at least 30 minutes must be provided no later than five hours and one minute after the minor reports to work. Minors 14- and 15-years of age must be fully relieved of work duties during this time. Minors who are 16- and 17-years of age may work during a meal period, but must be paid for their time. This is permitted ONLY if the nature of the work prevents the minor from being relieved from all duty.

For additional information regarding breaks and lunch: https://www.oregon.gov/boli/TA/pages/t_faq_taminors.aspx