Human Resources Manual
The Human Resources Policies and Procedures Manual (HR) provides the user with policies, rules, statutes, guidelines and procedures applicable to human resources the University. The material references in the HR Manual apply to all university departments and unclassified employees.
Additional information regarding services and resources may also be found on the Office of Human Resources website. Corrections, changes, or suggestions for the manual should be communicated to the HR Manual Coordinator via email or phone: 541-737-.
In the event of an inconsistency or conflict, applicable law or rule policies supersede University policies and University policies supersede college, department or lower unit bylaws, policies, or guidelines.
The University reserves the right to add, amend, or revoke any of the contained rules, policies, regulations, and instructions or incorporate additional ones, with or without notice, as circumstances or the good of the university community may require.
HR Manual Overview
The Office of Human Resources is the central coordinating unit for Oregon State University human resources functions and transactions. The University operates under a broad spectrum of policies, regulations, and laws mandated by the Oregon University System (OUS), as well as by local, state, and federal governments. This Human Resources Policy & Procedure Manual (HR) is the official university reference for these rules as they apply to operating units. The length and breadth of this manual is a testimony to the volume and complexity of the human resources functions and transactions conducted on a daily basis at OSU. The Human Resources Policies and Procedures Manual is an effort to codify, in one location, the policies, rules, statutes, guidelines and procedures applicable to
Structure of HR Manual
Please review the HR Table of Contents.; The Manual's layout is designed to assist the user by providing related information in sections. To access a specific topic, simply find the correct section in the Table of Contents, and click on the appropriate link. Please note that a number of sections contain subsections specifically pertinent to a topic.