Find A Search Advocate

To find a search advocate for your search, please email a request for volunteers to the Search Advocate listserv (instructions below).   Advocates seem to volunteer more quickly to messages sent in the morning and earlier in the week (Mon/Tues/Weds).


  1. Address the message to yourself
  2. Using the email “Bcc” function, Bcc the message to the Search Advocate listserv:  [email protected]  (this prevents “reply all” messages from spamming the listserv!)
  3. In the subject line, say “Search Advocate needed for [department name] [position title] search”
  4. In the body of the message, please include at least the following information :
    • Describe the search in a little more detail – repeat department name, position title, approximate number of committee members, and include a brief summary of the job itself and/or context for the search
    • Identify the search timeline and anticipated time commitment/frequency of meetings (if known)
    • Indicate whether committee meetings will be in person or remote; if the search advocate can complete the entire process by participating remotely/via Zoom be sure to mention that.
    • Let folks know whether the search advocate and committee together will have a chance to review and provide feedback on the job description before the job is posted*
    • Let folks know whether the search advocate and committee together will be expected to develop the criteria matrix before the job is posted (as a secondary check on the qualifications and description of the job)
    • Indicate the name and email address of the person advocates should contact to volunteer if they are eligible and available
    • If this would be a good opportunity for a first-time search advocate, please say so.  For example: first-time search advocates may be drawn to search committees that already use search advocate best practices, or to search committees that include other members who are search-advocate trained. 



BCC: [email protected]
SUBJECT:  Search Advocate Needed for DEPT_NAME POSITION_TITLE search

The department of DEPT_NAME is seeking a search advocate for our upcoming POSITION_TITLE search.   [Next provide some background about the position, context for the search, etc. such as: "This new position will play a critical role in  XXXXX and will be a key contributor to our ongoing YYYYY initiative."]  The committee will have six members including the search advocate and search chair. [If this would be a good search for a first-time search advocate, please say so!  For example you might say "This would be an ideal search for a first-time search advocate since several committee members as well as the search chair have completed search advocate training within the last two years."]  We expect that the committee will meet weekly via Zoom for much of the process, though the frequency may decrease during the recruitment period.  Search advocate may participate remotely but we would prefer they participate in person for site interviews.  Anticipated timeline is:

  • Charge meeting – DATE_1

  • Review of job description and some (if not all) criteria matrix development will be done before the job is submitted to HR for posting*

  • Job description to HR for final review and posting – DATE_2

  • Recruitment period – DATE_3 to DATE_4

  • First round interviews – the week of DATE_5

  • Second round/site interviews – during the X-week period from DATE_6 to DATE_7

  • Final synthesis and report to hiring manager – by DATE_8 

If you are interested and are currently eligible to serve (or can become eligible by DATE_1), please contact NAME EMAIL_ADDRESS to volunteer.  Thank you.


*NOTE TO HIRING MANAGERS: It may be harder to find a search advocate to volunteer if you have already sent the job to be posted.  Search advocates are more likely to volunteer for searches that include an opportunity for the advocate and committee to review the job description and suggest ways to make it more inclusive (before it is posted). 


Hiring managers usually identify a search advocate within 24 hours of posting a request to the listserv.  If you have not confirmed with a search advocate after the first day or so, or have questions, please contact Anne Gillies, Search Advocate Program Director, at [email protected] or 541-760-6160.