001: Introduction

Section 001: Introductory Material
Effective: 8/01/2020


The Student Employment Guide provides information regarding employment of students on Oregon State University (OSU) campuses. This manual is the authoritative reference for policies and procedures in relation to on-campus student employment at OSU.

Oregon State University provides employment opportunities to students to assist them in the enhancement of their educational development and experience; to provide income opportunities as a part of a student’s total financial assistance program; and to create co-curricular experiences by which the student gains valuable work skills.

OSU considers student employees as students first and foremost. Their employment as a student worker is secondary to their academic endeavors. University employers of student workers are to be cognizant of the student’s academic pursuits and give consideration to the student’s academic activities and requirements when scheduling work shifts.

All student employees are at-will employees. Student employment opportunities are to be determined by the workload requirements and availability of funds. Student employment practices are to be conducted in compliance with applicable state and federal laws and university policies and procedures.

It is the responsibility of the supervisor or department/college head to thoroughly review the information contained in this Student Employment Guide to ensure that the student seeking employment is eligible for employment by meeting all applicable requirements.

Structure of the Student Employment Guide

The Student Employment Guide is divided into sections. To access a specific topic, find the section of interest in the Table of Contents and click on the appropriate link.

Questions regarding the policies and guidelines cited in this guide or other corrections, changes, or suggestions should be sent via email to the Student Employment Center at [email protected]

This guide is for administrative and informational use only and is not intended to be interpreted as a contract between the University and any employee. In the event of an inconsistency or conflict, applicable law and the State Board of Higher Education rules supersede University policies. The University’s policies and guidelines supersede college, department or unit policies, procedures and guidelines.

The University reserves the right to add, amend or revoke any of the contained rules, policies, regulations and instructions, or incorporate additional ones, with or without notice, as determined necessary.