002: Definitions

Section 001: Introductory Material

Effective: 02/01/2021


Table of Contents
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z



At-will Employees

At-will employees are individuals for whom the employment relationship may be terminated at-the-will of either the employee or the supervisor/employer. At-will employees may be separated from employment at any time and for any reason unless a law, rule or policy prevents the termination of employment. Student employees at Oregon State University are at-will employees.


Benny Hire

Benny Hire is an appointment database system that currently supports all student employment (Graduate Assistants and Undergraduate Hourly) hires, rehires and reappointments.


Complaint Process

A student employee complaint may be filed with Employee and Labor Relations with University Human Resources regarding the act, omission, application or interpretation of the policies and procedures outlined in this guide.

Criminal History Check

Criminal History Checks will be conducted as a condition of employment prior to any applicant, employee or volunteer providing services in a critical or security-sensitive position. All categories of unclassified employees, classified employees, graduate assistants, student employees, volunteers and job applicants may be subject to this check. Learn more about Criminal History Checks


Direct Deposit

Direct deposit is the preferred method of refund and payroll processing. Direct deposit is the electronic transfer of funds into a checking or savings account. It is the safest and most efficient way to receive a refund or a paycheck. Learn how to sign up for direct deposit.


DocuSign is an electronic signature system designed to improve the workflow of signing and approving documents in a way that’s simple, secure, and fully digital. Documents signed with DocuSign are legally enforceable, intended to re-envision conventional paper-based processes.


Duo two-step login protects your personal information and the university's data by ensuring you are you when you login to your OSU account. It works because it relies on something that only you know (your password) and something that you have (a mobile device, hardware token, etc). Learn more about how Duo works. 



A web-based attendance system used for all Oregon State University employees. To access EmpCenter, click on Login to EmpCenter at http://mytime.oregonstate.edu/. At the EmpCenter login page, login with your ONID username and password. Learn more with our training and user guide information.

End of Term

The end of term is defined by the academic calendar. Graduating students will be given up to one month’s grace period (ex: July 15th for spring term graduation) to continue in their student employment position.


Federal Work-Study Student Employee (FWS)

Federal Work-Study is a Federal aid program administered by the OSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Employment regulations and guidelines for FWS student employment may differ from those for regular-student employment. Contact the OSU Office of Financial Aid or go to the Federal Work-Study website for assistance.

Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)

A Federal Law that establishes Social Security and Medicare Tax for employers and employees; directs the employer to deduct the employee’s portion from their paycheck; and, directs the employer's contribution percentage of the tax to be paid.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Non-Exempt Employee

Employees who, because of their salary or duties, are not exempted from the FLSA requirements; therefore, may qualify for overtime compensation.



Graduate Student

  1. A student who is enrolled in a program of study beyond the baccalaureate or post baccalaureate level, leading to an advanced degree (note: post baccalaureate is not the same as graduate level);
  2.  or a student who holds a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university and has been admitted to the University and a major department or program to work toward a graduate degree or graduate certificate.



Hiring Forms

New employees of Oregon State University are required to fill out new hire forms. These forms include a Personal Demographic, Student Employment Release Form, Affordable Care Act Notification Form, Federal I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form, Federal W-4 Form, and Oregon W-4 Form. All forms are sent via DocuSign.


I-9 Documents

Employment offers are contingent on the student’s demonstration of their authorization to work in the United States. For proof of identity and employment authorization original documents must be presented to the Student Employment Center prior to receiving clearance for work. For a complete list of acceptable I-9 documents, please see the List of Acceptable Documents.



Motor Vehicle History Check

The university will conduct motor vehicle history checks as a condition for providing service for an employee or volunteer in a position with driving as an essential function. All categories of unclassified employees, classified employees, graduate assistants, student employees, volunteers and job applicants may be subject to this check. Learn more about the Motor Vehicle Check.


MyOregonState is a portal application that centralizes OSU resources and services. Students and employees may access many campus resources from the OSU Central Login.


Non Degree-Seeking Graduate Student

A holder of a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university who does not wish to pursue a post baccalaureate degree, a graduate degree, a graduate certificate, or a professional degree may be classified as a non-degree seeking graduate student. Non-degree seeking students are ineligible for employment as a student employee at OSU.

Non-Resident Alien Tax Status Determination Form (NRATS)

The information requested on the form is used to determine the student’s U.S. tax withholding status. The NRATS form must be completed for every Non-Resident employee at the time of hiring and then annually each calendar year in January so long as they remain an employee.

Non-System Student Employee

A student who is enrolled in high school, community college, or a University other than OSU is categorized as a non-system student employee.Hours worked are recorded and paid through the OSU payroll system.Wages earned by a non-system student employee are subject to Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) contributions on behalf of the student per PERS rules. 



Online Recruiting System

The University’s online recruiting system is PeopleAdmin7. To view the applicant site visit: https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/


Student employees may be eligible for overtime when hours worked are in excess of 40 hours in a work week (Sunday 12am through Saturday 11:59pm).




Pay day, for all employees, at OSU is the last business day of each month.

Pay Period

Pay periods for student employment positions run from the 16th of the prior month through the 15th of the current month. Example: The pay period of September 16th through October 15th.



Sick Leave

Beginning January 1, 2016, hourly student employees will accrue sick leave based on the rules and requirements of the Oregon Sick Time Law at the rate of one (1) hour for every thirty (30) hours worked. Student employees are to request sick leave in advance when appropriate and report sick leave used on their timesheet in EmpCenter.

Students in Federal Work-Study positions are not eligible for accrual or use of sick leave.


A student is an individual who is academically enrolled and whose primary efforts are directed toward obtaining a high school diploma or college degree. 

Student Employment Center

The Student Employment Center is a dedicated team that serves the student employment population on campus. This center is located in University Plaza suite 150.

System Student Employee

A student who is enrolled at OSU is categorized as a system student employee. Hours worked are recorded and paid through the OSU payroll system. Wages earned by a system student worker are exempt from Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) contributions.



Term Break

The period of time between the end of one term and the beginning of the next term when there are no classes or exams is defined as a Term Break.

Term Off

A student may take any term in the academic year as their term off, but cannot have back-to-back terms off (ex: Spring and Summer).





Form W-4 is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax form that is filled out by employees to indicate their tax situation to their employer. The W-4 form tells the employer the amount of tax to withhold from an employee's paycheck based on their marital status, number of allowances and dependents, and other factors.


Questions regarding definitions and resources should be directed to the Student Employment Center at [email protected]