803: Workplace Safety and Injury Reporting

Section 800: Workplace Expectations and Conduct

Effective: 08/01/2020

Workplace Safety

University supervisors and employees, including student employees, are responsible for reading and adhering to the standards and policies set forth in the University Safety Manual.

Supervisors are directly responsible and accountable for the welfare of employees and students assigned to them and for the administration of health and safety regulations and University safety procedures within their areas of responsibility.

Employees are responsible for continuously striving to develop habits and procedures that will reduce their exposure to potential injuries and to make safe performance of their work assignments an essential element of the work they perform.

Supervisors are to provide safety training to new employees and refresher safety training at appropriate intervals of time, as needed, for the duties assigned. If a student employee is to be assigned new duties, safety training is to be done before the employee commences with performing the new duties.

The Acknowledgment of Safety Rules review form has been developed by Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) to document all safety training. Supervisors are to complete this form with the employee for each type of training completed and send a copy of the form to EH&S. For assistance or additional information, contact Environmental Health & Safety.

Reporting On-The-Job-Injuries

University employees, including student employees, are required to report all accidents to their supervisors immediately, but not later than 24 hours after the accident. Supervisors are to respond immediately, following instructions provided on the Office of Enterprise Risk Services, Worker’s Compensation website.

Report all injuries using the Accident/Injury Public Incident Online Reporting Form. If an injury to a student employee requires a physician's treatment or will result in lost work, a SAIF 801 claim form should also be completed.