Section 800: Workplace Expectations and Conduct
Effective: 02/01/2021
Student Employment Information: Access to student records, including a student’s employment record, is restricted by the provisions of the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 34 CFR Part 99, Oregon Revised Statute 351.065, Oregon Administrative Rules 576-020-0005- 576-020-0065, and Division 13 of the Oregon Administrative Rules.
All student employment information is considered confidential. Employment records relating to a person who is employed as a result of his/her student status is protected. No student employment records or information shall be released without the written consent of the student and the permission of the appropriate University Records Custodian for student records and the University Records Custodian for employee records. The University Records Custodians and their associated responsibilities are outlined in the OSU Acceptable Use of University Information Policy and the OSU Information Security Manual.
All requests for information related to a student’s employment at Oregon State University are to be forwarded to Employment Verification, [email protected].
Student Exposure to Protected, Sensitive or Confidential University Records: Student employees may, in the course of their assigned duties, be exposed to protected, confidential or sensitive information and data about other students or faculty and staff members. Student employees are expected to know and understand the University’s rules and policies governing the use and protection of such information and data. A student employee shall not disclose information about a student, faculty or staff member to anyone inside or outside of the University, except for their immediate supervisor or a person designated by their immediate supervisor to receive said information. Supervisors are expected to instruct and mentor their student employees regarding the appropriate use and protection of such data. Student employees are expected to know and understand University policies regarding information security.
Employees, including student employees, who violate the University’s policies on use and protection of protected, sensitive or confidential information, or misuse of systems that contain and process such information, may be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination, and criminal and civil penalties.