902: Corrective Action

Section 900: Job Performance and Separation from Employment
Effective: 02/01/2021

Student employment is considered temporary employment and many jobs are short in duration. The intent ofthe performance improvement process is to assist the student employee to perform satisfactorily or excel during the period of employment. Helping the student fully understand the needs of the job is a fundamental requirement of the supervisor. When talking with the student about performance feedback, listen to why the student is not able to perform adequately. Provide the tools and training necessary to perform the job or to enhance job performance and skills.

If coaching to success is not effective or does not produce the intended results, contact your unit’s Human Resources Strategic Partner (HRSP) for advice and counsel. Prior to removing an employee due to performance issues, you must first provide justification to the Student Employment Center for review.

Guidance in taking corrective action is available in the Policy 903: Separation from Employment section of this manual.You may contact the Student Employment Center at [email protected] for additional guidance.