Section 900: Job Performance and Separation from Employment
Effective: 02/01/2021
A student employee or a supervisor may end the student’s employment at any time and for any reason. Student employment at the University is at-will employment, meaning that the employment relationship may be terminated at-the-will of either party unless a law, rule or policy prevents the separation.
However, if the student is being terminated due to lack of acceptable performance, the supervisor will need to notify their Human Resources Strategic Partner prior to informing the employee. Please email the following to your unit's Human Resources Strategic Partner (HRSP):
- The student’s name and ID
- Any documentation that has been given to the student regarding the issue or reason for termination
- The date in which you plan on meeting with the student to notify them of the termination, as this will also be the official last day of employment. It is not a legal requirement for at will employees to be paid during the termination meeting.
The student employee should be provided with an opportunity to correct the performance and succeed before they are let go. Clear reasons should be given for the termination and the student should be provided with the opportunity to discuss the termination with the supervisor.
Resignation or termination may be given verbally: however, students and supervisors are strongly encouraged to provide such notice in writing so as to eliminate confusion or misunderstanding.
For questions regarding an involuntary termination/fire, please contact the Student Employment Center at [email protected]