Benefits for Part-Time Faculty Working Less Than 50% FTE

Part-time Faculty Benefits

Under ORS 350.355, part-time faculty members are eligible for the same employee-only health care benefits as full-time faculty members, including dental benefits and vision benefits, if they meet the eligibility requirements for PERS, OPSRP, or ORP in the prior academic year.

Part-time status can be established by employment at a single Oregon public institution of higher education or in aggregate at multiple Oregon public institutions of higher education.
If the part-time Faculty member is already receiving health benefits through the Public Employees Benefit Board (PEBB), or through the Oregon Educators Benefit Board (OEBB) under PEBB or OEBB enrollment rules, then the part-time faculty member is not eligible for additional enrollments under ORS 350.355.

The faculty member will be responsible for a monthly premium share of 10% of their selected core enrollments, collected via payroll deduction from their monthly paycheck.  The Home Institution will pay for the remaining 90% of the monthly premium share of the core enrollments. 

Employees who believe they are eligible for coverage under ORS 350.355 may select any of the Oregon Public Universities or Oregon Community Colleges at which they are currently working and receiving pay as their home institution in order to enroll in the medical, dental and vision coverage offered at that institution (prescription coverage is included with all medical plans). The faculty member can elect to not enroll in the medical coverage and select just the dental and/or vision plans.

The bill allows the employee to pursue enrollment if they believe they may qualify and provide their home institution evidence of eligibility within a specific time frame. 

Employees who believe they are eligible for coverage under ORS 350.355 may select any of the Oregon Public Universities and Community Colleges that they are currently working at as their home institution and enroll in medical and prescription coverage offered at that institution.

A copy of the ORS 350.355 is available online here.


  • Currently employed at one or more Oregon institution(s) of higher education (university and/or community college).
    • Must be actively working and receiving a paycheck from the home institution for the current term.
    • Met eligibility requirements for PERS, OPSRP or ORP in the prior academic year.
  • The Employee is not currently covered on, or eligible for, a PEBB or OEBB medical plan as an employee or dependent.
  • Subsequent terms and continued eligibility will be subject to applicable law and legislative changes.


  • The initial enrollment at the Oregon Public Universities begins October 1, 2023, with coverage effective November 1, 2023.  Employees will have 30 days to complete enrollment.
  • All enrollment time periods following this will correspond with the start date of each academic term when an employee is considered newly eligible.  Employees will have 30 days to complete enrollment.
  • If employees are hired mid-term an exception may be made to enroll outside of this time period within 30 days.
  • It is the responsibility of the employee to research and compare plan options at the different institutions they could designate as their home institutions.


  • Faculty member’s monthly premium share of 10% is collected via payroll deduction from the faculty member’s monthly paycheck.
    • The VSP Plus Vision Plan is an additional premium amount, in addition to the 10% premium share for the core enrollments.
  • Home Institution monthly premium share 90%.

If you currently work at OSU and wish to enroll in benefits through OSU employment related to ORS 350.355 you must complete the following process:

  1. Complete the Part Time Faculty Attestation of Eligibility for Benefits Coverage.
  2. Gather the documents that demonstrate proof of eligibility from the institutions you have worked at the last three of the past four terms. Documentation must state FTE or hours worked per month for each term
  3. Submit the form and your proof of eligibility to [email protected]
  4. The Benefits team will respond to let you know if you are eligible after reviewing the submitted documentation.
  5. If you are eligible, you will receive a link to the enrollment portal.  Eligible faculty are allowed to enroll in employee-only medical (includes Rx coverage), dental and vision coverage. A link to an enrollment form will also be provided.
  6. Complete the enrollment process within 30 days of eligibility.  Your benefits will begin the first of the month following enrollment if you complete the process within the required timelines.
  7. A payroll deduction will be set up for the benefits.  Your 10% premium share for the core enrollments will be deducted from your monthly pay. The VSP Plus Vision Plan is an optional buy up plan and the premiums will be an additional amount on top of the 10% that is deducted from your monthly paycheck. If your monthly paycheck is insufficient to cover the cost of premiums you will be required to submit the missing amount prior to the end of the current payroll month in which the amount was missing to avoid benefit termination. If you are concerned that your check will not be sufficient at OSU to cover the cost of premiums you may want to consider designating another institution in which you receive the most pay as your home institution so that premiums take correctly

Additional Notes

  • OSU will complete eligibility reviews for faculty who have submitted the attestation form. Eligibility will be assessed and if deemed eligible, the faculty member will be eligible for continued coverage if they remain actively employed and are receiving a paycheck at OSU.
  • Employment Termination: If your position ends at OSU your insurance will term also.  If you continue to work part-time at other institutions of higher education in Oregon (Public Community College or University) and are eligible for this coverage you can name a new home institution where you are actively receiving pay. You can work with that institution on coverage options.
  • Double coverage: Members are not eligible to enroll in ORS 350.355 coverage if they are already enrolled in another PEBB or OEBB plan, either as a subscriber or as a dependent.
  • Opt out payments: Members eligible for coverage under ORS 350.355 are not eligible to receive any opt out stipends.

Questions? Contact [email protected]