Working Conditions

Working Hours

Although most University offices are open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, there are many variations in work schedules for individual positions. The normal work week is 40 hours. Your supervisor will explain your position's work schedule.

The University tries to provide flexible work schedules for the convenience of employees, when work duties and business operations permit. Contact your supervisor to request an Irregular or Flexible Work Schedule Request form if you want to request a "flexible" work schedule. Your supervisor may approve your request if departmental workload and service requirements allow it.

Absence and Tardiness

You are a member of a team that requires your presence to perform its duties effectively. If you must be absent, or have to report late, telephone your supervisor as soon as possible.

Unauthorized absences or tardiness are considered leave without pay and may result in disciplinary action. Classified employees absent from work for five consecutive unauthorized days of leave are considered to have resigned.

Overtime and Compensatory Time

Your duties may require you to work some overtime. Your supervisor must approve in advance any overtime you work.

Eligibility for overtime depends on your status under the Fair Labor Standards Act and the terms of your collective bargaining agreement. Your supervisor or the Office of University Human Resources can tell you whether your position is subject to or exempt from overtime pay.

If your position is eligible for overtime, you must receive overtime pay in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement. Review these provisions in the collective bargaining agreement.

Term of Employment

Most positions at OSU are regular full or part-time positions that work 12 months each calendar year, according to department workload, priorities and funding. Variations include:

Academic Year Positions: these positions correspond to the academic year, usually September 15 through June 15. Academic year employees returning the following fall term receive insurance benefits through the summer. Some academic year employees accept additional summer work assignments.

Seasonal Positions: these positions start, end and restart periodically and regularly. Seasonal employees receive notice at the time of hire of the anticipated length of the season. During their employment season, seasonal employees receive the same rights and benefits as regular employees.

Limited Duration Appointments: employees may be hired for up to two years to complete special assignments funded through grants, contracts or legislative funding. Limited duration employees receive written notice of the conditions of their appointments, and they qualify for insurance benefits under the same terms as regular employees.

Rest Breaks and Meal Periods

During your workday you will receive a 15-minute rest break for every four hours worked. These breaks are usually taken at mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Your supervisor will work out a schedule with you for when you should take these breaks and your meal period. If you work a shift that is over six hours, you are also required to take a meal period. The meal period generally comes at the middle of your workday and is not paid time. Your meal period may be 30 or 60 minutes, depending on your department's work schedule. Rest breaks and meal periods may not be "banked" or accumulated to alter the length of your assigned work shift.

Uniforms, Protective Clothing and Tools

Some positions require employees to wear a uniform or protective clothing, or to use certain tools. These items will be furnished and paid for by your department, unless they are normally provided by employees according to industrial or professional practices. You are liable for loss (not theft or burglary) or negligent damage to these items. Check with your supervisor to clarify any special clothing or tool check-out procedures for your position.