Safety and Health

Safety Program

Every reasonable effort is made to provide a safe and healthful working environment for employees and students. OSU has several organizations with specific responsibilities for the overall health and safety of employees, students, and visitors while at OSU. These organizations are:

Environmental Health and Safety, 541-737-2273
Radiation Safety, 541-737-2227
Department of Public Safety, 541-737-3010

OSU employees are asked to share the University's commitment to safety and the common goal of preventing accidents. You are urged to develop habits and procedures that will reduce exposure to potential injury and make safe performance an essential element of every task.

As a new employee, you will be asked to certify that you have read selected portions of the OSU Safety Procedures Handbook. In addition, please read the following safety rules very carefully and, more importantly, take an active interest in promoting safety in your work area.

  • Report all accidents and injuries to your supervisor immediately. Immediate reporting helps prevent recurrences and speeds the processing of insurance claims.
  • Report all unsafe or potentially unsafe conditions to your supervisor. Problems must be identified before they can be corrected.
  • Cooperate fully with your supervisor in conducting investigations of accidents so unsafe conditions or work procedures may be corrected.
  • Use your safety equipment.
  • If you doubt the safety of a job, don't do it. Ask your supervisor for help.
  • Know the emergency action plans that apply to your job and work area.
  • Maintain reasonable physical body conditioning for the tasks of the work environment.
  • Participate in physical restoration or vocational programs following lost-time injuries to achieve an early return to work.

On-the-Job Injuries and Workers' Compensation

If you are injured on the job, medical expenses and time lost from work beyond three days are insured by OSU's workers' compensation carrier, State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF). You must inform your supervisor of an injury as soon as possible. If the injury requires only first aid, a Report of Accident Form must be completed. Should you seek medical treatment, you must complete the 801 - Notice of Occupational Injury/Illness Form for submission to SAIF. Your supervisor is your first line of contact in cases of accident or injury. The Office of University Human Resources is available to you when completing a SAIF claim. Visit workers' compensation for additional information.

Hazard Communication

Although OSU employees work in clean, safe environments, some employees may use or be exposed to toxic materials. Contact your supervisor or Environmental Health and Safety for specific safety steps required in your workplace. Material Safety Data Sheets are available through the Environmental Health & Safety website.

The OSU Hazard Communication program involves a series of steps, including identifying hazardous chemicals on campus, gathering chemical information, informing employees of hazardous chemicals present in the workplace, training on health hazards, special handling precautions, personal protective equipment, and emergency procedures. As part of this program, new employees are required to read the "Working Safely with Hazardous Chemicals" handbook within their first few days of employment.

First Aid

On campus, if an injury is threatening to life or limb, call the Corvallis Emergency Center at 911. You may call the Public Safety office at 541-737-3010 if you are unsure of the severity of the injury. These are 24-hour numbers. For other injuries, employees may see their own personal physicians. Student Health Services are not available to staff or students taking classes at staff rates. Contact your supervisor if possible before leaving your job site.

Only trained individuals should give first aid or CPR. Many employees have received this training. Check with your supervisor to find out who is certified in your work area, and for the location of first aid equipment.

Drug-Free Workplace

Alcohol and other drug abuse are not conducive to the pursuit of an education or a career. OSU is committed to maintaining an educational environment and workplace free from the abuse of alcohol and the unlawful manufacture, use, dispensing, possession, or distribution of controlled substances. In addition, the University firmly responds to alcohol and illegal drug activity.

All employees are required to read and comply with the OSU Drug-Free Workplace policy.

Employees found to be involved in abuse or illegal drug activity are subject to appropriate University disciplinary action and possible criminal prosecution in the courts. However, employees who are willing to seek help for drug dependency will find OSU supportive of their recovery efforts. Contact Employee Benefits in the Office of University Human Resources for assistance in accessing the Employee Assistance Program or insurance coverage.

Drug testing is required for some classified positions, per the collective bargaining agreement. Affected positions are those that require a Commercial Drivers License or a Merchant Mariners Document. For details about this, download the bargaining agreement at the Oregon University System website.

Smoking Policy

OSU students, faculty, staff and visitors are entitled to and will be provided smoke-free indoor areas in which to study, work, teach, conduct research, or transact business. Smoking is prohibited within enclosed University facilities, including lunch/break rooms. Your supervisor or building manager can inform you of designated smoking areas. Smoking is also prohibited in Transportation Services vehicles.

Fitness Programs and Classes

The Faculty and Staff Fitness Program (FSF) offers a variety of exercise classes, on-campus health/fitness screening tests, seminars, and more. FSF headquarters is located in Langton Hall, Room 123, and may be contacted at 541-737-3222.

Inclement Weather or Hazardous Conditions

If it becomes necessary for the University to close because of extremely inclement weather or other hazardous conditions, the University will announce closures as follows:

  • A pre-recorded message reporting the closure will be placed on the University's central switchboard number, 541-737-0123. Please do not call Public Safety for closure information.
  • In some cases, supervisors will call employees at home to inform them of the closure.
  • Unless otherwise informed, employees are to assume that the University is open and that they are to report to work.
  • The University will ask that closure announcements be made on the following radio and TV stations:



Location TV/Radio Station
Corvallis KFLY AM1240
KOAC FM 103.1
KBVR FM 88.7
Albany KRKT AM 990
KRKT FM 99.9
KXPC FM 103.7
Eugene KPNW AM 1120
KEZI TV Channel 9
KVAL TV Channel 13
KMTR TV Channel 16
Portland KEX AM 1190
KXL AM 750
KATU TV Channel 2
KGW TV Channel 8
KOIN TV Channel 6
Salem KBZY AM 1490

If a University closure is announced before the start of your normal work shift, you may use vacation, compensatory time, personal leave, or leave without pay to cover work time missed due to the closure. If OSU announces a closure or curtailment of work after you have started your work shift, you will be paid for the remainder of your work shift.