Academic Faculty, Professional Faculty, and Law Enforcement Professional Personnel List

Note: An employee may have more than one job, but may not be receiving pay from all jobs.


ADJ Service Date:

For classified employees, this is the initial date of employment into a classified or academic faculty, professional faculty, or law enforcement professional position with Oregon State University. If the employee was employed by OSU or another state agency in a classified position prior to July 1, 1996, this date reflects prior state service.

Annual Salary Rate:

This is the salary equivalent of this job at full time (100% appointment).

Appointment Basis:

The number of months on the appointment that the employee will work during a full year.

Appointment Begin Date:

The date the job originally started. This date is not changed when a job is reactivated after summer leave

Appointment End Date:

The date the job is scheduled to end.  If null, the job is indefinite.

Appointment Percent:

Indicates the percentage of full time the position uses

First Hired:

The date the employee first started with OSU in any position.

Home Org:

The organization code associated with the department the employee reports to.  If the employee has more than one job the Home Org is the organization associated with the job which provides the highest level of benefits and leave eligibility.

Job Org:

Organization code to which this job reports; the department responsible for time or leave entry on this job.

Job Title:

For classified employees, job title reflects the position classification title. For academic faculty, this reflects the rank. For professional faculty and and law enforcement professionals, this reflects the working title.

Job Type:

Job type coded as P (primary), S (secondary) and O (overload).


Descriptive title associated with the Faculty Rank Code. Example: Professor

Rank Effective Date:

The date the employee achieved the current rank.