Workplace and Campus Philosophy
OSU is committed to maintaining a workplace and educational environment free from the abuse of alcohol and the unlawful manufacture, use, dispensing, possession, or distribution of controlled substances.
Where to Go for Assistance
Information about the employee assistance program, which provides counseling services for employees and their eligible family members and treatment programs that are offered through them for employees.
Health Risks
List of the effects of frequently used substances and additional information about drugs and alcohol.
Drugs of Abuse
Chart of drugs of abuse with the trade name/other name, medical uses, usual method and possible effect.
Learn about federal, state and university sanctions regarding drugs and alcohol in the workplace.
Student Conduct Regulations
Learn more about student conduct information and regulations regarding a drug-free campus.
University standard: 07-005 Alcoholic Beverages
These rules govern the conditions under which alcoholic beverages may be consumed in areas other than housing units on the University campus.
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
On October 21, 1988, Congress enacted the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. This statute requires that all institutions receiving grants from any federal agency certify to that agency that they will maintain a drug-free workplace. The OSU Drug-Free Workplace Policy was developed to accomplish this purpose.
Employee Assistance Program
If you’re struggling with a work or family issue, free confidential help is just a call away. You and your eligible dependents can receive help on many issues.