Human Resources Manual
This status recognizes the excellence in scholarship, teaching, and service at Oregon State University by academic faculty members who retire from the university with indefinite tenure. There are three possible statuses: Emerit (for those who prefer a gender-neutral status), Emerita, and Emeritus.
Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus status may be recommended for an academic faculty member who:
- Retires from Oregon State University; and
- Held a position with indefinite tenure, generally on an active basis for at least five years immediately prior to retirement; and
- Demonstrated professional excellence and provided exemplary service to the programs of the institution
Emeritus status must be affiliated with an academic department or unit or school (or college, in colleges with no sub-units).
Use of Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus Status
Once awarded, "Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus" can be added to the academic rank held at the time of retirement (e.g., Professor Emeritus of History, or Professor Emerit of Sociology).
Academic faculty members who were awarded the OSU University Distinguished Professor designation during their service at OSU carry the designation University Distinguished Professor Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus (e.g., "University Distinguished Professor Emerita of Forestry").
Academic faculty members who retire while holding a select number of senior academic executive administrative positions may have the "Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus" designation added to the administrative title held at the time of retirement, provided they served in the particular role for a sufficient period. The five approved academic executive administrator professional titles are:
President Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus
Provost Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus
Vice President Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus
Vice Provost Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus
Dean Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus
In such cases, the Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus designation may also be added to their academic rank (e.g., Dean Emerita of the College of Science and Professor Emerita of Chemistry).
This status is typically effective for the life of the academic faculty member.
Those with this status are granted use of the library, may take courses at staff rates, retain access to OSU email and some systems, and are granted an OSU ID card. As with all other retired OSU employees, they may also purchase athletic season tickets at faculty/staff rates and participate in the Faculty/Staff Fitness program.
This status does not carry eligibility for employee benefits, vacation leave, or sick leave. Emeriti who continue to work in a paid capacity for the university after retirement may be eligible for such benefits.
Continuation of Professional Activities
Emeriti who willingly engage in professional activities without compensation or remuneration on behalf of the university are required to complete the Conditions of Volunteer Service Form found at
For questions, contact the Division of Academic Affairs at 541-737-0732.