Human Resources Manual
Performance Evaluation Guide for Professional Faculty
The Philosophy Underlying a Performance Evaluation
A primary role of the supervisor is to direct work and communicate functions and responsibilities in a manner that allows the employee to perform his/her job duties in a meaningful, productive way. This includes assisting an employee in developing his/her talent and skills relative to the work assigned. The performance evaluation provides the employee an assessment of his/her work performance for each major job responsibility and associated expectations. The assessment communicates if the employee has met, exceeded, or failed to meet the stated performance standards and objectives and, if needed, provides clear, written feedback and requirements for improved performance. Inherent in this process is setting appropriate values that support the organization and a healthy work environment.
Policy Statement
Faculty review guidelines can be accessed in this website. Supervisors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the guidelines, including frequency of the review process. Should you have questions, contact Academic Affairs or the Office of Human Resources.
Recommended Process for Conducting an Evaluation
Refer to this page for processes based on respective employee groups:
An agreed upon set of values communicates to the employee the responsibilities to go beyond immediate job tasks and that contribute to the success of the unit. The employee’s effectiveness in contributing to these values is part of the evaluation process and should be discussed and commented on in the performance evaluation.
Evaluation of Major Job Responsibilities
Specific job responsibilities are based on the “major job duties” identified in the employee’s position description. The evaluation form allows you to adapt this segment specific to the employee’s job duties. For each major job duty, the employee is to identify the associated responsibilities and expectations and provide a personal assessment of his/her performance during the review period. The supervisor should insure that the major job responsibilities have been fully identified by the employee in this section of the evaluation form. The supervisor, in turn, is responsible for providing an objective and clear evaluation of the employee’s performance for each identified major job responsibility.
Shared Attributes – Evaluation of General Expectations
Even in an office or unit that has diverse functions, one of the ways to emphasize the importance of working towards a greater good is through shared attributes. The following five attributes are important to each and every job on campus. The supervisor is asked to review and record how the employee has performed in each area.
- JOB KNOWLEDGE/TECHNICAL COMPETENCE. Possesses and demonstrates technical, general or other specific knowledge and skills required to perform job duties and accomplish stated objectives.
- QUALITY. Demonstrates a commitment to providing quality services. Work performed is of high standards. Is not satisfied with producing work that is “just good enough.”
- WORKING RELATIONSHIPS. Establishes and maintains cooperative working relationships with co-workers and supervisor. Responds actively and effectively to needs of internal customers. Trusts and respects abilities, decisions and motives of co-workers, internal customers and partners. Speaks and acts ethically, fairly and consistently.
- INTEREST AND INITIATIVE. Displays enthusiasm, dedication and interest in duties and responsibilities. Is a self-starter and proactive in approach to job. Demonstrates willingness to work beyond the usual or ordinary requirements of job when needed. Shows initiative and flexibility in meeting challenges. Capable of acting independently when circumstances warrant.
- JUDGEMENT. Demonstrates ability to analyze available data or circumstances, consider alternatives, and make well-reasoned, timely decisions that favorably affect performance and organizational goals. Acts reliably and responsibly, keeping supervisor informed and aware of potential issues or areas that need attention.
Overall Evaluation
The supervisor provides comments substantiating the overall performance rating given in this section. If there are areas in which the employee is expected to improve his/her performance, they should be noted in this section also.
Goals and Focus Area for Next Year
The assessment of the past year’s performance provides an opportunity for both the supervisor and employee to identify focus areas and specific goals for the upcoming year. These goals could include specific projects, the addition of job tasks or responsibilities, opportunities for professional training and development, and areas of needed improvement.
The OSU Strategic Plan, adopted in February, 2004, places an increased emphasis on the development of the employee. The evaluation provides an opportunity to identify development opportunities the employee has completed, use development to address unmet expectations, and assist the employee in his/her professional or career development. The focus of this section is on the upcoming review period.
Review of Position Description
Job duties evolve as an organization changes to meet current demands. The performance evaluation provides the ideal timing to review and update the employee’s position description. The position description forms the foundation for the employee performing his/her job duties. The supervisor and employee should jointly review the job description and revise it as necessary. To view your position description, visit Resources at
Employee Comments [Optional]
An employee has the right to comment on his/her performance and have these comments included as a part of the evaluation, either directly on the form or in a separate attachment. (Please indicate on the evaluation form if there is a separate attachment.) The employee’s comments may take the form of agreement with the supervisor’s evaluation, additional information or insight into a particular aspect of his/her performance, or a rebuttal to an assessment made by the supervisor and noted in the evaluation. The supervisor doesn’t have to agree with the rebuttal, but has the right to see the employee’s comments.
Signature and Date Requirements
The supervisor’s signature represents that this is an accurate and fair assessment of the employee’s performance over the time period designated on the evaluation.
The employee’s signature indicates that the employee has read and reviewed the evaluation with the supervisor. It does not necessarily mean that the employee agrees with the evaluation.
Final Note
The annual performance evaluation by itself is only a tool. With commitment throughout the year to also include meaningful conversation, provide feedback and continually develop a solid working partnership, a foundation can be built that enhances the relationship between you and the employee.
Should you want additional information or have questions about the performance evaluation process, contact Heather Horn, Associate Vice Provost Faculty Affairs & Assistant Vice President Human Resources, at 541-737-7414 or email.