Drugs of Abuse - Uses and Risks


Drugs Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Usual Method Possible Effects
Heroin Diamorphine, Horse, Smack, Black tar, Chiva, Negra (black tar) None in U.S., Analgesic, Antitussive Injected, snorted, smoked Euphoria, drowsiness, respiratory depression, constricted pupils, nausea, pain relief, confusion
Morphine MS-Contin, Roxanol, Oramorph SR, MSIR Analgesic Oral, injected, smoked
Hydrocodone Hydrocodone w/ Acetaminophen, Vicodin, Vicoprofen, Tussionex, Lortab Analgesic, Antitussive Oral
Oxycodone Roxicet, Oxycodone w/ Acetaminophen, OxyContin, Endocet, Percocet, Percodan Analgesic Oral
Codeine Acetaminophen, Guaifenesin or Promethazine w/Codeine, Fiorinal, Fioricet or Tylenol w/Codeine Analgesic, Antitussive Oral, injected
Other Narcotics Fentanyl, Demerol, Methadone, Darvon, Stadol, Talwin, Paregoric, Buprenex Analgesic, Antidiarrheal, Antitussive Oral, injected, snorted, smoked


Drugs Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Usual Method Possible Effects
gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid GHB, Liquid Ecstasy, Liquid X, Sodium Oxybate, Xyrem® None in U.S., Anesthetic Oral Slurred speech, disorientation, drunken behavior without odor of alcohol, impaired memory, interacts with alcohol, reduced anxiety, poor concentration, fatigue, confusion, impaired judgment
Benzodiazepines Valium, Xanax, Halcion, Ativan, Restoril, sleeping pills, Rohypnol (Roofies, R-2), Klonopin Antianxiety, Sedative, Anti-convulsant, Hypnotic, Muscle Relaxant Oral, injected
Other Depressants Ambien, Sonata, Meprobamate, Chloral Hydrate, Barbiturates, Methaqualone (Quaalude) Antianxiety, Sedative, Hypnotic Oral


Drugs Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Usual Method Possible Effects
Cocaine Coke, Flake, Snow, Crack, Coca, Blanca, Perico, Nieve, Soda , Rock Local anesthetic Snorted, smoked, injected Increased alertness, excitation, euphoria, increased pulse rate & blood pressure, insomnia, loss of appetite
Crank, Ice, Cristal, Krystal Meth, Speed, Adderall, Dexedrine, Desoxyn, Uppers Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, narcolepsy, weight control Oral, injected, smoked
Methylphenidate Ritalin (Illy's), Concerta, Focalin, Metadate Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder Oral, injected, snorted,
Other Stimulants Adipex P, Ionamin, Prelu-2, Didrex, Provigil Vaso-constriction Oral


Drugs Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Usual Method Possible Effects
MDMA and Analogs (Ecstasy, XTC, Adam), MDA (Love Drug), MDEA (Eve), MBDB None Oral, snorted, smoked  Heightened senses, teeth grinding and dehydration, mild hallucinogen
LSD  Acid, Microdot, Sunshine, Boomers None Oral Illusions and hallucinations, altered perception of time and distance, impaired motor function, memory loss
Phencyclidine and Analogs PCP, Angel Dust, Hog, Loveboat, Ketamine (Special K), PCE, PCPy, TCP Anesthetic (Ketamine) Smoked, oral, injected, snorted
Other Hallucinogens Psilocybe mushrooms, Mescaline, Peyote Cactus, Ayahausca, DMT, Dextro-methorphan* (DXM) None Oral


Drugs Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Usual Method Possible Effects
Marijuana Pot, Grass, Dope, Weed, Sinsemilla, Blunts, Mota, Yerba, Grifa Nausea and Pain relief Smoked, oral Euphoria, relaxed inhibitions, increased appetite, disorientation, anxiety, confusion, impaired memory and learning
Tetrahydro-cannabinol THC, Marinol Antinauseant, Appetite stimulant Smoked, oral
Hashish and Hashish Oil Hash, Hash oil, Boom, Chronic None Smoked, oral

Anabolic Steroids

Drugs Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Usual Method Possible Effects
Testosterone Depo Testosterone, Sustanon, Sten, Cypt Hypogonadism Injected Virilization, edema, testicular atrophy, gyneco-mastia, acne, aggressive behavior, blood clotting, premature stoppage of growth
Other Anabolic Steroids Parabolan, Winstrol, Equipose, Anadrol, Dianabol, Roids, Juice, Primabolin-Depo, D-Ball Anemia, Breast cancer Oral, injected


Drugs Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Usual Method Possible Effects
Amyl and Butyl Nitrite Pearls, Poppers, Rush, Locker Room Angina (Amyl) Inhaled Flushing, hypotension, headache
Nitrous Oxide Laughing gas, balloons, Whippets Anesthetic Inhaled Impaired memory, slurred speech, drunken behavior, slow onset vitamin deficiency, organ damage
Other Inhalants Adhesives, spray paint, hair spray, dry cleaning fluid, spot remover, lighter fluid None Inhaled
Nicotine Cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, bidis, chew None Smoked, Snorted, Taken in Snuff and Spit Tobacco Chronic lung disease, cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, adverse pregnancy outcomes


Drugs Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Usual Method Possible Effects
Alcohol Beer, wine, liquor None Oral Impaired judgment, cancer, memory loss, decreased inhibitions, adverse pregnancy outcomes

December 2007 Adapted from NIDA.