Minor in Possession (MIP): The legal drinking age in Oregon is 21. If you are under 21, it is illegal for you to
- attempt to purchase, or to acquire alcoholic beverages;
- have personal possession of alcoholic beverages, including accepting any gift, or consuming alcohol that belongs to someone else;
- enter or attempt to enter any portion or licensed premises posted or otherwise identified as prohibited use by minors. Penalty: Fine of up to $250.
Minors under the age of 18 who are convicted of any crime involving the possession, use, or abuse of alcohol or controlled substances will lose their driver’s license for one year for the first offense and two years for a second offense. Unlicensed minors who are convicted will lose their right to apply for a license for one year or until the age of 17, whichever is longer.
Identification: It is illegal to
- loan your ID to someone else;
- attempt to use ID belonging to someone else or attempt to use falsified ID;
- make a written statement of age that is false when applying for ID or in trying to enter a bar.
Penalty: Fine of up to $2,500 and up to one year in jail.
Furnishing to a Minor: It is illegal to furnish or make alcohol available to a minor in any fashion, including selling or collecting party donations. Parents or legal guardians may provide alcohol to their own minor children in a private residence. Penalty: First offense, fine of $350; second offense, fine of $1,000; third offense, fine of $1,000 and not less than 30 days in jail. These are minimum penalties that the judge cannot reduce. Maximum penalty is a fine of up to $2,500 and up to one year in jail.
Furnishing to an Intoxicated Person: A dispenser of alcohol, including the host or hostess of a party, may be sued if it is shown that excessive amounts were negligently served. If negligent abuse of alcohol is shown to have contributed to a criminal offense or accident, civil damages may be imposed upon the dispenser. Penalty: Maximum criminal penalty, $2,500 fine plus one year in jail. Civil penalties determined by court.
Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII): You may be found guilty of DUII if you drive a vehicle while you have 0.08 percent or higher blood alcohol level shown by chemical analysis of your breath, blood, or saliva, or are demonstrably impaired by alcohol and/or another intoxicating drug. If you are arrested for DUII and refuse to take a breath test or fail it, your driver’s license will be immediately seized and it will be suspended for one full year. Penalty: For first offense that does not involve injury to others, violator may apply for diversion from the courts to a counseling program or traffic safety school. Drivers under 21 years of age will lose their license for 90 days if found to have consumed any alcohol while driving, for one year if a test of blood alcohol level exceeds .08%. If tried and convicted, a first offense requires a minimum penalty of either 48 hours in jail or 80 hours of community service, plus up to $2,500 in fines, one year’s suspended driver’s license and mandated alcohol/drug evaluation and treatment or education. Second convictions result in loss of license for three years if committed within five years of the first DUII.
Open Container: Drinking alcohol or having an open bottle in a vehicle is prohibited. You must store any open containers of alcohol in the trunk or some other area not normally occupied by the driver or passengers. Penalty: Maximum fine of $250.
Delivery for Payment: Penalty: Up to 10 years in jail and up to $100,000 fine plus twice the value of any resulting gain of property or money.
Delivery not for Payment: Penalty: For less than one ounce, up to one year in jail and up to $2,500 fine; for less than 5 grams, fine of $500 to $1,000.
Possession: Penalty: For less than one ounce, fine of $500 to $1,000 plus twice the value of any resulting gain of property or money.
Other Illegal Drugs
Penalties for manufacture, distribution, or unlawful possession of illicit drugs are determined by the Controlled Substance Schedule.
Oregon State University complies with the United States Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act, the United States Drug-Free Workplace Act, Oregon Revised Statues 352.008, and OSSHE Administrative Rule 580-19-001. Annual distribution of drug-free campus and workplace information to employees and students is required by law.