Human Resources Manual
- OSU Policies and Standards 580-021-0200 to -021-0240
- Procedures
To foster the professional advancement and success of tenured faculty members through research, writing, and advanced study related to the applicant’s academic field.
0.50 FTE or greater; and
Indefinite tenure; and
Rank of Associate Professor or Professor; and
*Grandfathered Senior Instructors with indefinite tenure may be eligible.
Length of Service Requirement – continuously appointed without interruption by a sabbatical leave for:
9-month employees: 18 academic quarters (excluding Summer Session); OR
12-month employees: 72 months; OR
Combined term of service: An accumulated equivalent of 6.0 FTE years over an indefinite period of 9-month or 12-month appointments.
FTE Less Than 0.50 or Leave Without Pay
A series of appointments shall be considered continuous whether or not interrupted by one or more authorized leaves of absence (excluding sabbatical leave).
A one-year period of appointment at less than 0.50 FTE will count as a period of accumulated service for purposes of the time requirement for sabbatical eligibility.
Military leave from OSU is considered as institutional service.
Start and End Dates
Sabbatical leave for 12-month employees must begin on the first day of one month and end on the last day of a subsequent month.
Sabbatical leave for 9-month employees must begin on the first day of an academic term and end on the last day of an academic term (see below). Sabbaticals lasting more than one term should generally be continuous and completed within the course of a single academic year.
Begin Date | End Date | |
Fall Term | September 16 | December 15 |
Winter Term | December 16 | March 15 |
Spring Term | March 16 | June 15 |
In the unusual case where a 9-month sabbatical crosses academic years, the appointment is placed on leave during the summer timeframe (June 16-September 15). Work performed during the summer timeframe is separate from sabbatical leave and must be set up on a summer academic wage.
9-Month Employees | 12-Month Employees* | |||
60% Salary | 1 academic year | 3 terms | 1 year | 12 months |
75% Salary | ⅔ academic year | 2 terms | ⅔ year | 8 months |
85% Salary | ⅓ academic year | 1 terms | ⅓ year | 4 months |
*Additional durations of less than 12 months may be available. Please contact the Academic HR Officer at [email protected] for additional information.
Sabbatical Pay
Salary shall be determined using the full-time annual salary rate in effect at the time the sabbatical leave begins.
Sabbatical pay is calculated by multiplying current full-time annual salary rate by the academic faculty member’s average appointment FTE during the 6.0 FTE years immediately prior to the sabbatical leave, and then multiplied by the percentage of salary associated with the sabbatical duration.
The cost for a sabbatical leave shall be funded by the unit paying the academic faculty member’s salary and benefits.
Academic faculty members on sabbatical remain eligible for university-wide salary increases.
Additional Considerations
A sabbatical plan and its timing must be approved by the unit leader, consistent with the long-standing practice of the University and as visible by the application form which has always required approval at all three levels. The plan must contain specific goals and activities that advance the professional development and success of the faculty member, bringing benefits for the individual and their program(s). The timing of the sabbatical must minimize any disruption or risk to the operation of the unit and the progress of students. Once approved by the unit leader, the request must be endorsed by the Dean and ultimately by the Provost or the Provost’s designee, acting on behalf of the President.
When signed by all parties, the Application and Contract for Sabbatical Leave becomes a binding contract. Refer to Procedures for revisions and cancelations.
At the end of the sabbatical leave, the academic faculty member shall submit a detailed report of the accomplishments and benefits resulting from the leave. The report should be submitted to the department, Office of Faculty Affairs, and University Human Resources within one month of the sabbatical end date.
Sabbatical Leave Delay
Obligation to Return
In signing the Application and Contract for Sabbatical Leave form, an academic faculty member agrees to return to the institution for a period of at least one year and at an FTE rate equivalent to that of the sabbatical following the completion of the sabbatical leave. Specifically, the required timeframe is equivalent to the duration of the employee's primary appointment, whether it be 9-month or 12-month (i.e. faculty on 9-month appointments would be expected to return from September - June; faculty on 12-month appointments would be expected to return from July - June).
If an academic faculty member fails to fulfill this obligation, the academic faculty member shall repay the full salary paid during the sabbatical leave plus the health care and retirement contribution paid by the institution on behalf of the academic faculty member during the leave. This amount is due and payable within three months following the date designated in the sabbatical agreement for the faculty member to return to the institution.
Supplementing Sabbatical Pay
Academic faculty members may supplement their sabbatical salaries to a reasonable degree (e.g. part-time work that fills the gap up to 100% salary), provided that such supplementation does not jeopardize the stated and approved purposes of the sabbatical leave.
Supplementation of sabbatical pay through OSU, including OSU administered grants and contracts, is set up by University Human Resources as a secondary job.
All sabbatical work activity and supplemental pay must comply with the University’s Conflict of Commitment and Conflict of Interest policies. Any projected paid employment through external sources (besides grants and contracts being run through the university) should be indicated in the sabbatical application, and an approved Request for Approval of Professional Outside Activities must be on file with University Human Resources by the time the sabbatical begins.