Applicants should receive timely communication from the search committee chair to inform them of their status in a search process. The chair can contact applicants by phone, send them written letters, or ask the search administrator to use the email notification options in the online system to notify applicants.
Communicating With Applicants that WILL Be Invited to Interview
The search committee chair or search administrator should contact the applicants to be interviewed by telephone, by sending a letter in the mail, or email to schedule interviews. When applicants are contacted by telephone, they should be given the opportunity to speak directly to the OSU representative inviting them for an interview. If search committee chairs or administrators are not successful in reaching applicants by phone, the applicants should be notified by mail or email, and allowed a minimum of seven calendar days to respond to the invitation to interview. Written invitations to interview must include the date by which the applicants must respond to the invitation. It must also state that failure to respond by the deadline date will result in removal of the applicant’s name from the list of qualified applicants. Records indicating each applicant’s response to an invitation to interview must be maintained as part of the search file.
Communicating With Applicants that WILL NOT Be Invited to Interview
Applicants who were not selected for the first round of interviews should be informed of their status before moving forward with interviews. Applicants that may be interviewed at a later date should also be notified of their status in the search. Sample letter:
SAMPLE “No Interview” Letter to Applicants
Dear (Name):
Thank you for your interest in the (position title) position in the (department) at Oregon State University, and taking the time to submit your application information.
We received applications from many qualified individuals for this position opening. After reviewing the applications, we had to determine those individuals who would receive further consideration in our search process and those who would not. You were not among those selected for further consideration.
We sincerely appreciate the time and effort you dedicated to applying for this position and wish you success in your job search.
Search Committee Chair Name
Use of Auto-Generated (No Interview) Emails in the Online PD and Recruiting System
There are two system auto-generated emails that may be used to notify applicants that they will NOT be invited to interview. System generated emails are impersonal, and it is NOT recommended that these emails be used unless the pool of applicants is so large that it would be unreasonable to send letters or phone each applicant to notify them of their status.
- No Interview – Firm
Email Subject Line: Status of Your Employment Application with Oregon State University
Email Content:
Thank you for your interest in the following position at Oregon State University. We received applications from many qualified applicants for this position. The purpose of this message is to inform you that your application received full consideration, but you are not among those selected for further consideration.
(The following fields auto-populate from the posting):
Appointment Type:
Position Title:
Thank you.
- Hold Status
Email Subject Line: Status of Your Employment Application with Oregon State University
Email Content:
Thank you for your interest in the following position at Oregon State University. The purpose of this message is to inform you that your application is still under consideration at this time.
(The following fields auto-populate from the posting):
Appointment Type:
Position Title:Department:
Thank you.
Communication with applicants is a critical piece of the recruitment process.
Timely communication with applicants, to make them aware of their status in a search, results in positive experiences for our applicants, even when they may not be interviewed or selected for a position. It demonstrates that OSU cares that these applicants have taken their time to apply to our positions.
Sending Notification to Applicants Interviewed and Not Selected
Before an announcement of a new appointment is made, the other applicants that were interviewed but not selected should be notified in writing or by phone. The chair can contact applicants by phone, send them written letters, or ask the search administrator to use the email notification options in the online system to notify applicants. A sample letter is provided below.
SAMPLE “Interviewed – Not Selected” Letter to Applicants
Dear (Name):
Thank you for your interest in the (position title) position in the (department) at Oregon State University. On behalf of the search committee, I would like to thank you for taking the time to interview for this position.
At this time, I regret to inform you that you were not selected for this position. I encourage you to continue seeking employment at Oregon State University, and hope that you are successful in your future endeavors.
Search Committee Chair Name
Use of Auto-Generated (Interviewed – Not Selected) Emails in the Online PD and Recruiting System
System generated emails are impersonal, and it is NOT recommended that these emails be used unless the pool of applicants is so large that it would be unreasonable to send letters or phone each applicant to notify them of their status. Auto-generated emails should never be sent to applicants until the hiring manager has a signed, accepted offer of employment from their applicant of choice. If for any reason the applicant of choice declines a written offer of employment, the committee may revisit the remaining applicants that interviewed for the position before making a decision to cancel or extend their search.
- Interviewed – Not Selected
Email Subject Line: Status of Your Employment Application with Oregon State University
Email Content:
Thank you for your interest in the following position at Oregon State University. We received applications from many qualified applicants for this position. On behalf of our committee, I wish to thank you for taking the time to interview for this position. After careful consideration of each candidate’s qualifications for the position, we have selected another candidate for the position.
(The following fields auto-populate from the posting):
Appointment Type:
Position Title:
Thank you.
Communication with applicants is a critical piece of the recruitment process. Timely communication with applicants, to make them aware of their status in a search, results in positive experiences for our applicants, even when they may not be interviewed or selected for a position. It demonstrates that OSU cares that these applicants have taken their time to apply to our positions.