Oregon State University will pursue an active recruitment and selection process to assure the availability of qualified applicants to meet its employment needs and to assure equal employment opportunity through affirmative action. Success is demonstrated by recruitment that actively includes people from historically under-represented (underutilized) groups, along with the selection and appointment of the most highly qualified candidates. Over time, fair and active recruitment and selection practices should result in OSU workforce demographics that mirror the demographics of the qualified applicant populations from which positions are filled.
OSU engages in active recruitment and selection processes based on affirmative action principles in order to assure equal employment opportunities. At each step in the recruitment and selection process, search committee members are asked to review their processes and practices to identify and eliminate unintended bias, and actively work to include applicants who historically have been excluded. The intent of this review is to ensure that no individual or group is discriminated against on the basis of a protected status, such as race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or qualified veteran status.
Hiring managers should seek advice and consultation on this policy and procedure from University Human Resources. University Human Resources will consult with Faculty Affairs, Office of the General Counsel, and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access, as appropriate.
Hiring managers seeking advice and approval to conduct a waiver of search (for an unclassified position) – or to obtain general guidance and strategies for equal opportunity, affirmative action, and diversity in the search process – should contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access.
Management/Retention of Recruitment and Selection Documents
Documents related to the recruitment and selection process must remain confidential, and only shared with the search committee chair, committee members, and the search administrator (person managing the administrative functions of the process). The HIRING MANAGER is responsible for gathering ALL documents related to the search process, including committee notes, evaluations, and recommendations. Documents must be retained at the department level for three years after the date of appointment and then destroyed.