Some Things to Know

University Telephones

Nearly every employee uses the telephone for OSU business. Check with your supervisor for any special telephone-answering procedures that apply to your office. When you make long distance calls on OSU business, keep in mind that every long distance telephone call costs money to your department, OSU, and taxpayers.

Most telephones have features, such as voice mail, call forwarding, or conference calling. The OSU Staff Directory lists campus phone extension numbers and other helpful information. Your departmental telephone coordinator or Telecommunication Services (Telecom) (541-737-3237) can provide information on how to use the features of your telephone.

Office telephones are for business use only. While personal (non-work related) calls are sometimes unavoidable, please make no more of them than you have to, and limit their duration. Employees making personal long distance calls on the job must charge the calls to their home phone, credit card or a personal calling card.

Use of University Property and Work Hours

Do not use work time, personnel, facilities, postage, long distance telephone lines, photocopy machines, or any other equipment or supplies for your personal use or the personal use of another person. Likewise, the distribution of catalogs, order forms, sales products, etc. must take place during breaks or lunch hours and not interrupt the work of coworkers.

Use of University Computing Resources and Facilities

Computing resources and facilities must be used for University business. Visit the acceptable use policies for computing resources and University Information or contact the Office of Information Security

Office Security

We count on our employees to help keep University property secure. Your protection, the protection of your property and the University starts with your willingness to take a few simple steps:

  • Many offices contain valuable equipment and confidential information, so offices should be locked when vacant or unattended.
  • Always keep your purse, wallet, or other valuables with you or lock them in a drawer or closet. Never leave your keys in plain view.
  • Request authorization from someone asking for confidential information or from delivery or repair people wanting to enter an area restricted to employees.

If you note any unusual circumstances or find strangers in your work area, call Public Safety at 541-737-3010.

On campus, the Oregon State Police handle all law enforcement problems that arise. Be sure to report all crimes, no matter how minor they may seem. The Campus Security Officers provide security for all buildings, animal control, and many types of assistance to staff, faculty, students and visitors. For police or security assistance call Public Safety at 541-737-3010.

Confidential Information

Many offices on campus deal with sensitive information, such as employment, medical, financial, or student academic records. This information must not be given to persons who are not entitled to receive it. When in doubt about what you can or cannot disclose, ask your supervisor. Before releasing any information about any student, consult the OSU Guidelines for Release of Student Records that are available from the Registrar's Office.

As an OSU employee, your name, job title and classification, department, and salary are considered public information. Your social security number is confidential. You may elect whether or not to have your home address and telephone number printed in the OSU Staff Directory. You may choose your directory options via the Online Services Employee Dashboard in MyOregonState.


To prevent you from being interrupted during working hours, soliciting and peddling are prohibited in University work areas. If you observe a solicitor in your work area, contact your supervisor.

The OUS authorized representatives of the tax-deferred investment program are not allowed to call or meet with classified employees during working hours. However, representatives may contact employees during breaks, lunch, or after hours.

Ethical Standards

OSU employees are prohibited from using their positions in any way for personal or financial gain. If you receive anything of value from individuals or businesses with which you come in contact during your work, you must report it to your supervisor.

Political Activity

Oregon law states "No public employee shall solicit any money, influence, service or other thing of value or otherwise promote any political committee or promote or oppose the nomination or election of a candidate, the adoption of a measure or the recall of a public office holder while on the job during work hours." However, the same law makes it clear that public employees have the right to "express personal political views." In other words, you may engage in political activity, except when prohibited by state law while you are on the job during working hours.

Travel on Official University Business

Employees planning to travel on official business must review the OSU Travel Policies before making travel arrangements. You may also contact the Travel Office of Business Affairs at 541-737-4262 or [email protected] for more information.

Pre-Trip Registration is required within Concur for all out out of state and international travel, excluding one day trips. 

When automobile travel is required, a state-owned vehicle should be used when available. You may use your own vehicle when it benefits the University because of cost, efficiency, work requirements, or when travel by common carrier or state vehicle is not possible.

Reimbursement for actual costs, up to maximum allowances, is only approved when authorized in advance by your supervisor.

OSU Vehicles are scheduled through University Motor Pool at 541-737-4141. Many different types of vehicles are available. When you drive an OSU-owned vehicle, properly operate and care for the vehicle, follow all traffic laws, and use the vehicle only for OSU business. Smoking is prohibited in University Motor Pool vehicles.

Use of Your Vehicle: Prior to using your own vehicle for official business, you will be asked to sign a Private Vehicle Safety Certification Form. This form is retained by your department. You must carry liability insurance. No collision or comprehensive insurance coverage is provided by OSU for private vehicles. Medical coverage is limited to the amount provided by the State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF). For mileage reimbursement amounts and procedures, contact your supervisor.

Additional information regarding rental and use of vehicles can be found at the University Motor Pool website.