Onboarding Essentials

Onboarding Essentials

Essential information for new employees - including terms of employment, benefits and retirement information, safety rights, injury reporting, and community conduct and standards.

Welcome to Oregon State University - we're glad you're here!

On this page you'll learn more about onboarding to OSU and important information for new employees. Use the buttons in the menu below to navigate to a specific section, or just keep scrolling!


First Steps

Congratulations on accepting your offer to work at Oregon State University! The onboarding process will walk you through the first 30 days of employment with OSU.

Download a Checklist to stay on track

If you are a new employee, download a self-guided checklist!

If you are supervising a new employee, we have a checklist for you too!

Attend New Employee Orientation

Additional information is presented during the monthly New Employee Orientation sessions, hosted online via Zoom.

Register for New Employee Orientation

Do you have a question but you're not sure who to ask?

We're here for you! If you have a general question or you're not sure who to ask, email us at [email protected]! We'll do our best to get you connected to the right person.

Email AskHR

Terms of Your Employment

These links provide a general overview to the terms of your employment.

Additional information is presented during the monthly New Employee Orientation sessions, hosted online via Zoom. Register for an upcoming session

Questions about what's covered here? Feel free to reach out to the Employee and Labor Relations unit at University Human Resources! View the ELR Team Directory

For All University Employees:

For Hourly Student Employees:

Your Benefits

These links provide a general overview to your benefits as well as work/life and wellness resources.

Additional information is presented during the monthly New Employee Orientation sessions, hosted online via Zoom. Register for an upcoming session

Questions about what's covered here? Feel free to reach out to the Benefits unit at University Human Resources! View the Benefits Team Directory

Accessibility & Accommodations

The information in this section provides a general overview to your right to seek accommodations.

Additional information is presented during the monthly New Employee Orientation sessions, hosted online via Zoom. Register for an upcoming session

Questions about what's covered here? Feel free to reach out to the Equal Opportunity & Access team! View the EOA Team Directory

Helping OSU work for the widest possible audience

Oregon State University is committed to creating and sustaining a diverse environment that is both equitable and inclusive by making the university accessible to people with disabilities. One of Oregon State’s core values is that we believe that diversity is a key to success. And we regard our commitment to providing optimal accessibility as central to OSU’s goal of being one of the nation’s premier land grant universities. We recognize that the university’s overall success requires that people with disabilities are full members of Oregon State’s educational community.

What is a Disability?

  • A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity or a major bodily function.
  • A history of disability (e.g., cancer in remission or an episodic condition).

Accessibility at OSU

Find policies and guidance, and read about what we are doing across campus to make OSU more accessible at https://accessibility.oregonstate.edu/

You have the right to seek accommodations.

Equal opportunity means OSU prohibits discrimination and provides reasonable accommodations in all areas of employment. An accommodation is any change to a job or work environment that removes barriers to performing duties.

Engaging in the Accommodation Process

Each accommodation is decided case-by-case. The Office of Equal Opportunity & Access (EOA) works with the employee and their supervisor to find a reasonable accommodation. This may include requesting supporting medical documentation. This stays in the EOA office and is confidential. Learn more on EOA's Accommodations & ADA website

While all accommodation requests are decided on a case-by-case basis, some examples include:

  • An individual with low-vision having difficulty with their computer screen could request a screen magnifier or other kinds of software or hardware.
  • An individual with Post Traumatic Stress could request to avoid spaces or situations that would be triggers.
  • Someone having surgery that requires more recovery time than FMLA provides could request ADA protected leave.
Request an Accommodation

If you would like to engage in the ADA Interactive Process, please fill out this online form and the office of Equal Opportunity & Access will contact you to schedule a meeting with an Accommodations Associate.

Request Accommodations

Safety Rights, Responsibilities, Injury Reporting and Insurance Claims

This information is a general overview of the safety rights and responsibilities of OSU employees, as well as our Injury Reporting and Insurance Claim processes. 

Additional information is presented during the monthly New Employee Orientation sessions, hosted online via Zoom. Register for an upcoming session

Questions about what's covered here? Feel free to reach out to the experts!

Environmental Health & Safety Team Directory  |  Insurance & Risk Management Services Staff Directory  |  Emergency Management Office website

Environmental Health & Safety

Workplace Safety

Our education and Safety Training program is a valuable tool in developing awareness of safety, health responsibilities and accident prevention. 

Insurance & Risk Management Services

Workers' Compensation

Employees who are injured or become ill due to work-related reasons are insured by the state workers' compensation plan.  For approved claims, the State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF) provides coverage for medical expenses and time lost from work beyond three days.

Report all incidents to your Manager/Supervisor before the end of your shift.  If you seek medical attention, you will need to complete the worker section of the SAIF 801 form and submit it to your manager/supervisor.  You MUST obtain a medical release from your physician after every treatment for an on-the-job injury. 

Insurance Claims

Department of Public Safety

The mission of the committed officers, dispatchers, and staff of the Department of Public Safety (DPS) is to enhance the living, learning, and working experience at Oregon State University. DPS is committed to cultivating partnerships within the Beaver Nation community that promote a safe and secure campus environment, while supporting the University's pursuit of research and academic excellence. Services include:

  • Emergency planning and training that is offered by the OSU Emergency Management Office
  • Information about crime and fire statistics and campus safety policies that are compiled by the Clery Act Compliance Team
  • OSU Alert, the campus alert system that allows public safety officials to disseminate emergency and other campus safety information to the university community

Be in the Know!

Sign up for OSU Alert to receive emergency and other timely campus safety information via phone, email, and text. Campus Alert distribution lists are available for the Cascades Campus, Corvallis Campus, Newport Campus, and Portland Campus.

Sign up for OSU Alert (Campus Alert System)

Community Conduct and Standards

The information in this section provides a general overview of our community conduct and standards. 

Additional information is presented during the monthly New Employee Orientation sessions, hosted online via Zoom. Register for an upcoming session

Questions about what's covered here? Feel free to reach out to the experts!

Office of Equal Opportunity & Access Team Directory  |  Office of Youth Safety & Compliance Staff Directory  |  Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance Staff Directory

All academic and professional faculty, classified staff, public safety professionals,graduate assistants, student employees and volunteers acting on behalf of OSU are responsible to contribute to OSU vision, mission and values, and to conduct themselves ethically, with the highest integrity, and in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies. 

Inclusive Excellence

We recognize that diversity and excellence go hand-in-hand, enhancing our teaching, scholarship, and service as well as our ability to welcome, respect, and interact with other people.

Building an organizational culture founded on the values of inclusion, mutual respect, good physical and mental health, collaboration, and humility, so that people from every background are welcomed and thrive, our community is diverse, and our leadership advances both excellence and innovation.

OSU's Critical Training Program

The OSU Critical Training Program prepares academic and professional faculty, classified staff, graduate assistants, student employees to fulfill our commitments to OSU's vision, mission, and values. Given the importance of the topics covered, this training is mandatory for university employees.

New employees can expect to receive an email notifying them when they are enrolled in the program. They will have 60 days from the day they receive the notification to complete each training. 

Learn More About the Critical Training Program

Responsible Employee Obligations

Most Oregon State University employees have an obligation to report incidents of sexual misconduct or discrimination. This policy describes the duties and the actions required of “responsible employees” in reporting such incidents, as well as the confidentiality the University will provide to those reporting such incidents.

View the Full Responsibly Employee Policy

Visit the Equal Opportunity and Access website to report a concern involving OSU people, places, or programs

Additional Equal Opportunity & Access Policies

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Access (EOA) is responsible for overseeing compliance with civil rights and affirmative action laws, regulations, and OSU policies in the following areas: Consensual Relationships; Genetic Information; Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability; Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Religion; Pay Transparency; and EOA Records Retention Policies.

View the EOA Policy Index

Sexual Misconduct and Discrimination

Oregon State University is committed to creating an equitable and inclusive campus free of all violence, harassment, and discrimination. The University embraces and respects differences in sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation among all individuals.

All individuals who are participating in University programs and activities have the right to do so fully, free from sexual discrimination, misconduct, and retaliation. The University prohibits sexual misconduct of any kind, including sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation, and stalking. Such misconduct violates University policy and may also violate state or federal law.  When such misconduct occurs, the University will take steps to stop, prevent recurrence, and remedy the impacts of such behavior.

View the Full Sexual Misconduct and Discrimination Policy

Visit the Equal Opportunity and Access website to report sexual misconduct or submit a concern of discrimination, harassment, bullying, or retaliation

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

By state law, all OSU employees are mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect. The Office of Youth Safety & Compliance offers resources and guidance to support compliance with this law and other policies related to child protection at OSU. Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse is a Critical Training module that all OSU employees must take. 

Visit the Equal Opportunity and Access website to report child abuse and neglect

Drug-Free Workplace

Alcohol and drug abuse is not conducive to the pursuit of a career or an education. OSU is committed to maintaining a workplace and educational environment free from the abuse of alcohol and the unlawful manufacture, use, dispensing, possession, or distribution of controlled substances. All employees of the University are expected to abide by the University's policy regarding a drug-free workplace.

For more information about OSU’s Drug-Free workplace policies, visit the Drug-Free Workplace and Campus Philosophy webpage.

University Policies Regarding Cannabis

While Oregon law as of July 1, 2015, may allow certain marijuana-related activities, such as limited medical marijuana use and other recreational use and possession, using and possessing marijuana in any form remains a crime under federal law.

Oregon State University policy prohibits students, employees and members of the general public from possessing, using or distributing marijuana in any form on any of the University’s campuses or facilities and during any University activities.

Oregon State University is 100% Tobacco-Free!

On October 2, 2019, Oregon State University became 100% tobacco-free, prohibiting smoking and all forms of tobacco use on all university-owned or controlled property. This policy reflects OSU’s commitment to promoting healthy learning and work environments for all students, academic appointees, staff and visitors. For more information, visit the Tobacco-Free OSU website.

Next Steps

Get Oriented at OSU

Learn more about the services, organizations, and engagement opportunities that will help you get connected!

Orientation Guide