The purpose of an academic wage appointment is to complete a short-term, non-recurring, non-teaching work assignment, typically lasting 90 calendar days or less. It is appropriate to use this appointment method when:
- The workload is intermittent/sporadic, but ongoing.
- A person is being placed into an "acting" appointment (those positions filled on a temporary basis to replace a regular, unclassified employee on leave). An acting appointment is made using the academic wage appointment process, NOT the regular, unclassified appointment process.
- A current, regular status employee is provided an unclassified developmental opportunity (a temporary job assignment that allows an employee to gain new skills and experience relevant to his/her career goals).
- Offer Letter: New and Current Employee Hired into an Academic Wage Position
Salary vs. Hourly Academic Wage Pay
An employee on an academic wage appointment may be appointed on an hourly basis, rather than a salary basis (forecast pay) when the hours per week cannot be predicted or will fluctuate, or if the type of work to be conducted dictates hourly employment.