Open Postdoctoral Positions

Position Department Location Appointment Basis Full Announcement
CBEE Feng Research Group

School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Corvallis, OR Main Campus

100% 12 CBEE Feng Research Group 2025.01
Solar Radiation Management


Corvallis, OR

100% 12 Solar Radiation Management 2025.01
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months corporate_sustainabilitty_postdoc.pdf
Grapevine Genetic Engineering

Department of Horticulture

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months postdoc_deluc.pdf
The design and implementation of novel agents for the treatment of canine cancer

Cebra Lab in the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months cebra_lab_postdoc.pdf
Pharmaceutics (Nanomedicine and Nanomaterials) with focus on Gene, Imaging Agents and Drug Delivery College of Pharmacy

Portland, Oregon

100% 12-months taratula_lab_post_doc.pdf
Applied IPM and Extension Development

Oregon IPM Center

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months oregon-ipm-center-postdoc.pdf
Effects of fire and salvage logging on fish and freshwater ecosystem responses

Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months salvagepostdoctoralpositionfinal06202023.pdf
Applying spatial tools for aquatic habitat predictions related to the upper extent of fish

Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management, College of Forestry

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months newtoolspostdoc.pdf
Pharmaceutics with a Focus on Nanomedicine, Nanomaterials, and Drug Delivery

College of Pharmacy, Olena Taratula's Lab

Robertson Life Sciences Building, OHSU, Portland OR

100% 12-months taratula-05.24.23.pdf
Nanomedicine and Nanomaterials Development

Department of Chemistry, Mackiewicz Lab

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months mackiewicz_lab_postdoc.pdf
Novel drug delivery, radiotherapy, and molecular imaging technologies for the treatment of cancer

College of Pharmacy, Conroy Sun Lab

Portland, Oregon

100% 12-months sun_lab_postdoc_4.26.23.pdf
Wood Science

Department of Wood Science and Engineering, Dr. Lech Muszynski

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months postdoctoralscholar_pd_wse.pdf
Work, family leave, and self-sufficiency among low-income families

Human Development and Family Sciences, David Rothwell

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months postdoc_families.pdf
Micro-Femto Energetics

Department of Physics, Dr. Matt Graham and Dr. Albrecht Jander

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months postdoc_ufelab.pdf
Two Postdocs in Microbiology

Uehling Lab, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology.

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months uehling-2-postdocs-combined.pdf
Temporal and spatial patterns in tree mortality across Western Oregon and Washington to understand drivers of forest change at multiple scales

Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, College of Forestry

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months psp_postdoc_pd.pdf
Earth Ventures Sub-orbital S-MODE (Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics Experiment) program

Physics of Oceans and Atmospheres, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months smode_postdoc.pdf
Grassland Restoration and Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Traditional Ecological Knowledge Lab

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months postdoc_osu-blm-fbic.pdf
Identifying and categorizing metabolite profiles in hop and hemp

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Hendrix Lab and Department of Horticulture, Dr. Kelly Vining.

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months postpost-hendrix-vining.pdf
Developing model-based decision support tools in support of climate ready management procedures in the Pacific Hake Fishery

Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem Resources Studies

Either the campus of NOAA’s Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, WA, or Newport, OR, USA, or the Oregon state University campus in Corvallis, OR, USA.

100% 12-months cimershakemse_postdoc-v2.pdf
Management stock structure of Pacific cod in the Gulf of Alaska

College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months goa_cod_postdoc.pdf
Geometry/Topology Mathematics

Department of Mathematics

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months postdoc_geomtop_final.pdf
Biological Oceanography

Plankton Ecology Laboratory, Hatfield Marine Science Center

Newport, Oregon

100% 12-months oceanography-postdoc.pdf
Ocean Modeling Postdoctoral Researcher College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Dr. Andreas Schmittner

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months ocean_modeling_postdoc.pdf
Near-inertial Waves and Submesoscale Dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico

College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Jonathan Nash, Jesse Cusack and Kipp Shearman

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months nash-cusack-postdoc.pdf
Population and phylogenomics College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months uehling-grunwald-postdoc.pdf
Postdoc Position on Evapotranspiration Partitioning

Biological & Ecological Engineering

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months good-postdoc.pdf
Molecular microbiology

College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months alkene-post-doc.pdf
Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Community Recovery

College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Dr. Jenna Tilt

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months wildfire_community_recovery.pdf
Evaluating the economic impacts of wildfire smoke events on West Coast wine industries with an emphasis on Oregon vineyards and wineries

Department of Applied Economics, College of Agricultural Sciences

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months aec_sterns_postdoc.pdf
Mathematical Biology

Department of Mathematics

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months postdoc_mthbio_final.pdf
Whale distribution and entanglement risk assessment in the Northern California Current

GEMM Lab, Marine Mammal Institute, Hatfield Marine Science Center

Newport, Oregon

100% 12-months gemm_lab_osu_postdoc_whaleconservation.pdf
Integrated population models to inform Tribal management of Chinook salmon

Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months davis_postdoc_scholar_9.14.23.pdf
NASA Land-Cover/Land-Use Mapping

Geography and Geospatial Sciences Program, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months nasa_lcluc_refugee_postdoc_announcement.pdf
Isotopic Composition of Methane in Ice Core Records

Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX) - College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months
Actinide ceramics suitable for advanced nuclear reactor fuels

AlChemey Lab - School of Nuclear Science and Engineering

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months alchemey_materials_2023_postdoc.pdf
Sprout Inhibitors for Organic Potato

Dr. Valtcho D. Jeliazkov's lab, Department of Crop and Soil Science

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months potato-postdoc.pdf
Grass Disease Postdoc

Disease Ecology and Diversity Lab, Botany and Plant Pathology Department

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months grass_disease_postdoc.pdf
Testing and modeling low carbon concrete

Weiss-Isgor Research Group, School of Civil and Construction Engineering

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months jason-weiss-postdoc_1.pdf
Forest resilience and recovery from fire and drought

Landscape Ecology, Modeling, Mapping, and Analysis Team, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, College of Forestry

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months forest_and_fire_postdoc_fall_2023.pdf
Reforestation efforts in the Pacific Northwest

Forest Engineering Resources and Management, College of Forestry

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months postdoc_carlos_gonzalez.pdf
Interactions Between Acoustic Waves and Spin Waves

Oregon State University Applied Magnetics Laboratory

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months magnetics-postdoc-092023-2.pdf
Magneto-Acoustic Devices Research

Applied Magnetics Laboratory at Oregon State University

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months magnetics-postdoc-092023.pdf
Faculty Transdisciplinary Curricula Development and Teaching

College of Education

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months postdoc_basics.pdf
Potato Plants Exposure to Lunar Regolith Simulants at the Growth, Developmental, Physiological and Molecular/Biochemical Levels

Botany and Plant Pathology | College of Agricultural Sciences

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months postdoctoralscholar2024.pdf
Soil Aggregate Stability

Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center | College of Agricultural Science

Hermiston, OR

100% 12-months 20240904_postdoctoral_position_soil_aggregate_stability.pdf
Preparing U.S. Pome Fruit Production for Extreme Temperatures in a Changing Climate

Mid-Columbia Agricultural Research and Extension Center | College of Agricultural Science

Hood River, OR

100% 12-months mcarec_post-doc_announcement.pdf
CIMERS Multistressor Project, impacts on the crustaceans in the California Current System

CIMERS (Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resources Studies) | College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Newport or Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months cimers_nb_post-doc_posting.pdf
Wine grape physiology and vineyard adaptation to a changing climate

Department of Horticulture

Central Point, OR

100% 12-months 2024_sorec_postdoc_scholar_announcement.pdf
Restoration Ecology in Protected Area Sagebrush Steppe

Human and Ecosystem Resilience and Sustainability Lab (HERS) | OSU-Cascades

Bend, OR

100% 12-months post_doc_announcement_hers_2024.pdf
Community Dimensions of Offshore Wind Energy Development

School of Public Policy | College of Liberal Arts

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months 2024_postdoc_hire.pdf
Indian Monsoon Air-Sea Interactions for ASTraL/EKAMSAT

College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

OSU Corvallis Campus | Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months postdocastral2024.pdf
Changes in Resource Use Behaviors for Environmental Conservation and Economic Development

Forest Ecosystems and Society | College of Forestry

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months postdoc_fes_jung.pdf
Modeling Study of Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (MCDR)

College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months spitz_mcdr_postdoc.pdf
Preclinical development of gonorrhea vaccines and assessment of new antibiotic targets.

College of Pharmacy

Corvallis, Oregon

100% 12-months postdoc_scholar_announcement_february_2024.pdf
HJ Andrews Experimental Forest (HJA) Landscape Ecology

HJ Andrews Experimental Forest (HJA) Long-term Ecological Research Program

Forest Ecosystems and Society | College of Forestry

Corvallis, OR

12-months andrews_lter_post-fire_postdocscholar_ad_jan_2024.pdf
Soil Health and Climate-Smart Practices for Irrigated Potato-Based Rotation Systems

HAREC and Botany and Plant Pathology | College of Agricultural Sciences

Hermiston, OR

100% 12-months cspotatoes_postdoc_position_dec2023_kf.pdf
Plant pathology research in pome fruits and wine grapes

Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center

Central Point, Oregon

100% 12-months plant_path_post_doc.pdf
Vegetable and Seed Irrigation Technologies in Vegetables and Vegetable Seed Crops

Department of HorticultureCollege of Agricultural Sciences

North Willamette Research & Extension Center | Aurora, OR

100% 12-months draft_seed_irrigation_postdoc_pd_final.pdf
Resistome Bioinformatics and Meta-analysis

School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering | College of Engineering

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months osu_amr_meta-analysis_postdoc_position.pdf
Hydrodynamic Modelling and Wave Energy Technology R&D

School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering | College of Engineering

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months postdoc_scholar_position_hydrodynamic_modelling_and_wave_energy_technology_rd_navsea.pdf
Physical/Biogeochemical and Individual Based Modeling

College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months spitz_mcdr_postdoc_102324.pdf
GIS Development of Forest Ecophysiology Modeling

Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management | College of Forestry

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months postdoc_scholar_gonzalez.pdf
Organizational/institutional cultural change to support enhanced academic research translation

College of Education

Corvallis, OR

100% 12-months