Workshop Descriptions

Standard Workshops: Tier One Platform & Tier Two Next Level

The Social Justice Education Initiative has a two-tiered structure for standard workshops that are open to all faculty, staff, and graduate students at OSU. Completion of the Tier One Platform is recommended to participate in Tier Two Next Level workshops.

The SJEI Tier One Platform: a 4-part workshop series 

The Tier One Platform series is the foundation of the Social Justice Education Initiative.

SJEI Tier One Platform is a workshop series comprised of Sessions 1 through 4 that provides faculty, graduate students & staff a foundation for enacting inclusive excellence. Instruction time for the Tier One platform program is 11 hours total spread across four sessions.

Session Description Learning Outcomes
SJEI Tier One Platform, Session 1
(3-hour workshop)
In this workshop a glossary is introduced and discussed, and we explore little-known Oregon history in a way that helps clarify our peculiar current context and surfaces dominant culture.

1. Apply a vocabulary of basic terms confidently with other participants 

2. Examine Oregon’s past through multiple perspectives 

3. Explore how our relationship with the past, both as individuals and as a society, impacts the present

SJEI Tier One Platform, Session 2
(2.5-hour workshop)
In Session 2, we look at ways the past informs the present. Once we know more about how we got to today, and what that looks like from multiple perspectives, we reflect on who we are and how that all fits together. Participants have the opportunity to reflect on how this information impacts them and what they might do differently in their work to ensure inclusive excellence.

4. Identify how history relates to the current context of Oregon and OSU

5. Recognize that a dominant culture exists, even if it is invisible to you

6. Recognize that our conceptions of identity are informed by our social context

7. Understand that it is the social constructions of dominance that are problematic, not individuals with dominant identities

SJEI Tier One Platform, Session 3
(2.5-hour workshop)
In this third session we explore a useful conceptual framework for improving our professional efficacy and self-awareness that also serves as a valuable communication tool. Cross-cultural communication is considered, and some practical strategies are discussed. 8. Apply concepts and vocabulary that will support effective communication with colleagues

9. Recognize basic cross-cultural communication skills

10. Distinguish between our personal concepts of comfort, risk and danger and safety in the professional context

11. Choose opportunities for increasing professional efficacy and community-building that exist outside our comfort zone

SJEI Tier One Platform, Session 4
(3-hour workshop)

For the last session we focus on some of the ways that bias and discrimination occur. We learn about recent neuroscience research that helps us understand the many influences that inform how we both see and interact with the world around us, and vice versa. Microaggressions are defined, their context explained, and we explore specific ways to gather the information we need to reconcile microaggressions. 12.  Recognize the existence and impact of one’s own implicit bias and apply basic mitigation strategies

13.  Explain what structural bias is

14.  Understand what microaggressions are and why they occur

15.  Distinguish between the intent and the impact of a microaggression

16.  Assess a microaggression context for critical information that helps determine what to do next

17.  Summarize how dominant culture is normalized, creating exclusion


The SJEI Tier Two: Next Level Workshops

Tier Two Next Level workshops are intended for those who have completed the SJEI Tier One Platform series. Completion of the Tier One is recommended to participate in Tier Two Next Level workshops; however, it is not required. Tier Two educational opportunities are specifically focused and provide deeper discourse and practice. Current Tier Two Next Level workshop offerings include.

Next Level Workshop Description

Addressing Microaggressions for Reconciliation and Growth

(3-hour workshop)

Microaggressions are deceptively complex and addressing them is never as simple as we want it to be in the moment. Using insights from the most current research and the contexts that interest you, we will explore various actions and their potential outcomes. Bring your stories, and as always, your curiosity, to this interactive and research-based opportunity to further our understanding of microaggressions and our capacity to reconcile them when they do happen.

Being Good Isn’t Everything: Other Ways of Being

(2-hour workshop)

This workshop explores the connection between the good-bad binary we have been socialized with and the structures that maintain social oppression, not only in the world around us but also within us. How might our self-perception of ourselves as “good” people get in the way of actualizing our best intentions? How does the good-bad binary engender fragility? Join your peers for a lively dive into some complex ideas, with ample room for discussion and reflection.  


SJEI Standard Workshops are offered in two formats:

  1. General workshops open to all OSU faculty, staff, and grad students; see the Registration site for the current schedule and to registration.
  2. Colleges, units, departments, and groups may elect to offer SJEI workshops internally as professional development with the opportunity to contextualize social justice considerations. Contact SJEI program director Jane Waite to arrange.

Customized Workshops

Standard workshops can be modified, or entirely new ones created to meet specific needs. Customized SJEI workshops provide opportunity for colleagues to grow relationships and address specific contexts. To arrange for a custom workshop, contact SJEI program director Jane Waite to arrange.