Leadership Training

GROW. Challenge. Overcome. Empower. Inspire. Succeed.

Not sure which Leadership Program is right for you? This page outlines Leadership Programs available to OSU Faculty & Staff. Click on a program name to learn about course objectives, learning outcomes, the application process, and more!

Unit-Specific Leadership Programs for Faculty & Staff

Are you looking for something more specific to your unit? The table below provides an overview of unit-specific leadership programs.

Unit-Specific Program Intended Audience Typical Occurrence* Brief Description
Division of Finance & Administration Emerging Leaders Program DFA employees with 1-3 years of leadership experience

The class runs from September through June. Applications are due in August.

The DFA Emerging Leaders program will help new and aspiring supervisors become more confident and effective in their roles through the development of leadership skills, making connections with other division leaders, and increasing knowledge of the tools and supports available to supervisors.

The Division's senior leaders will personally present sessions covering leadership topics ranging from team building and motivation to budget management and everything in between (described in more detail below). Each participant will choose a leadership mentor to provide coaching and support throughout the 9-month program.

Over the course of the program, participants will have a chance to explore real-world examples, develop relationships with leadership colleagues in the division, and practice new skills. The goal is to leave the program with the knowledge, confidence, and connections to be an innovative, solutions-driven leader at Oregon State University.

Leadership Development Program

Extension & Engagement faculty & staff

Ecampus faculty & staff

College of Agriculture faculty & staff

In 2021 there was also a select number of University-wide seats

Intermittent leadership activities, webinars, trainings, coaching, book clubs, assessments, and discussions November through September

Application period July-September

A unique and collaborative program to explore leadership development through an immersive, executive-level, leadership experience. The year-long program includes facilitated workshops, interpersonal assessments, OSU executive mentoring, peer-coaching, book clubs, social justice initiatives, projects, and engaging experiences to advance leadership abilities. The series ends with a three-day experience in beautiful Central Oregon.
Student Affairs Leadership Institute Student Affairs faculty & staff

Annual program

Contact Student Affairs for application process.

The Student Affairs Leadership Institute (SALI) is geared toward developing and strengthening leaders within our division. The institute brings together a cohort of student affairs professionals who engage in critical topics that expand and challenge their leadership skills and critical thinking while building capacity within and beyond their scope. Some of the content that is addressed includes differentiating between leadership and management, budget management, leadership styles, decision making, empathy, and giving and receiving feedback. Participation in the institute requires an in-person commitment once a month and a small amount of work outside the sessions.





























*Program availability, dates and application periods are subject to change. Click on the name of the program to learn about specific application processes, deadlines, and dates.

This page features leadership development programs geared towards OSU employees. Did we miss something? Let us know at [email protected]!