Liaison & Supervisor Resources

Hourly Student Employees


Students must meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Student Employment Manual* in order to be eligible for student employment. There are different enrollment requirements for eligibility based on if a student is an undergraduate, graduate, and/or international student. Departments should strive to ensure a student is eligible for a position before submitting a hiring request. 

*Students maximum work hours are impacted by the new Maximum Student Hours Pilot, effective 7/1/23. 

Summer Employment

Term Off

If eligible, a student may take any term during the academic year as the term off. However, students cannot have back-to-back terms off.

Student employees are only eligible to take a term off during the academic year if they were at least minimally enrolled the term immediately before the term off and will be enrolled the term immediately following. Student employees that do not enroll the term following their term off will be terminated from their student employment role and their supervisor will be provided with options for other employment.


Student employees may work full-time (40 hours per week) during term and summer breaks. Breaks begin the day after finals week and end the day before the term begins. This applies to all OSU student employees, regardless of the institution they are attending.

Volunteer Service

Student employees are not volunteers. If your department is seeking volunteers please review the Volunteer Service Criteria. 


Recruitment Selection Process and Resources

All student positions must be posted and accept applications via the Online Recruiting System. Public posting of student job vacancies ensures broader access to a wider range of potential applicants and is in line with the University’s policy on nondiscrimination and equal opportunity.

  1. Hourly Student Job postings are requested through Benny Hire.
  2. Complete the recruitment process:
    1. Screening Applicants
    2. Interviewing
    3. Potentially Unlawful Inquiries During an Interview
    4. Selecting a Candidate
    5. Conducting Reference Checks
    6. Communicating with Applicants
  3. After a candidate has been selected if a  department liaison that has access to BennyHire made the posting request, they can select the candidate in the posting request in BennyHire in the Job Postings tab. If the posting was not made by a liaison and the hiring supervisor does not have BennyHire access a  Student Employment Request Form (SERF) should be emailed to the Student Employment team at [email protected] .
  4. After a student has been hired it is the supervisors responsibility to provide and orientation to the position, outline expectations, and monitor their performance.

Student Hiring Process

  • Current postings (including pooled positions) can be found on the HR Jobs Page
  • Request Hourly Student Job Posting if you need a new posting (scroll down to “Request Hourly Student Job Posting for hiring supervisors”)
    • You must complete all required sections on each tab (as seen below) in order to submit your job posting.

Nav Bar

Hiring A Student

  • Student Employment Request Form (SERF)
    • Please complete SERF and return to [email protected] once the student worker has been identified and applied online to the existing posting. Human Resources will then verify the eligibility of the student to hold a student employment position.
    • You cannot make an offer to the student until Human Resources has verified eligibility.
  • Supervisors of student worker are expected to be familiar with the Student Employment Manual

Required Student Employee New Hire Paperwork

  • Human Resources will communicate with the student regarding obtaining new hire documents and if applicable CHC/MVHC screenings. Allow at least 2 weeks for Human Resources to process the hiring documents. Criminal History and DMV Checks can slow the timeline considerably.  Once all required documentation and screenings have been completed, Human Resources will notify the hiring manager/supervisor that the student has be ‘cleared to work.’ Under no circumstance is a student to begin employment until this process has been completed in its entirety.

Hourly Student Supervisor Resources

The Hourly Student Employment: Supervisor Information power point provides a brief summary of some of the most common supervisor questions. 


Questions regarding general student employment should be directed to the Student Employment Center at [email protected].
Hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM
Phone: 541-737-2915

Hourly Student Supervisor FAQs

Graduate Assistants


All graduate students who meet the following criteria are eligible to hold a graduate appointment. See the Graduate Appointments section in the Catalog.

  • Be a regularly admitted, conditionally admitted, or provisionally admitted graduate student at Oregon State University (i.e., not a graduate non-degree-seeking, post-baccalaureate student, or PharmD, DPT, or DVM student).

  • Be enrolled as a full-time degree-seeking graduate student at Oregon State University, completing a minimum of 12 credits of instruction each term (3 credits during summer session if on appointment). Audit registrations, course withdrawals, and enrollment in INTO OSU may not be used to satisfy these minimum enrollment requirements.
  • Be making satisfactory progress toward an advanced degree as defined by the Graduate School and the student’s program.

Eligible graduate students may hold the following type of appointment

  • Teaching Assistants (GTAs) provide instructional support through leading lecture, lab, or recitation sections; grading; preparation of materials; or other activities directly related to the educational mission of the unit.

  • Research Assistants (GRAs) provide support in field, laboratory, or research work appropriate to the discipline, in support of the unit's mission

Graduate Assistants appointments are governed by the CGE Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Coalition of Graduate Employees and Oregon State University. 

Summer Employment

Graduate students have several options for employment throughout summer term. Please review the Employing Graduate Students Over Summer Session Guidelines if you wish to hire a graduate student to perform graduate level work over summer term. 

Recruitment and Selection Process and Resources

Graduate assistants do not go through the typical competitive search process and are selected through departments internal searches and determinations.

Hiring Process

All graduate assistant hires are processed through Benny Hire using the HR/Liaison Dashboard.

The Graduate Student Employment Process Overview: A Guide for Department Liaisons provides a detailed overview of the Graduate Assistant hiring process, as well as the hiring process for Hourly Graduate Project Assistants.


Graduate assistants are covered by the Graduate Health Plan and are eligible for Graduate Assistant Family Medical leave. More information is available on the Graduate Assistant Benefits page

Graduate Assistant Supervisor Resources

The Graduate Assistant Employment: Supervisor Information Presentation provides a brief summary of some of the most common supervisor questions. 


Questions regarding graduate assistantships should be directed to [email protected].

Questions regarding graduate health insurance should be directed at [email protected].

Address: University Plaza Suite 150, Corvallis OR 97331
Hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM
Phone: 541-737-2915

Grad Assistant Supervisor FAQs

Benny Hire

Benny Hire Information & Training

Benny Hire is the system that the university uses to process all student employment positions: hourly student hires, graduate assistant hires, graduate assistant rehires, and graduate assistant reappointments. Using a combination of technological tools and process efficiencies, this new solution significantly decreases the number of steps in the hiring process, creates a more transparent hiring process for departments and reduces the number of people involved in the overall hire.

Please review the following information for information and training regarding the use of Benny Hire. 

For Benny Hire licensed roles including HR/Liaison, BC finance, ELR, Central Payroll and CHC/MVHC:

Log in to Benny Hire

For hiring supervisors:

Request Hourly Student Job Posting