Leave Accrual & Use of Leave Time

For a complete listing of all leaves and eligibility requirements (if applicable), please refer to the Leave Administration Policies, Procedures, Guidelines.

Sick Leave

  • Academic and professional employees accrue 8 hours of sick leave credit for each full month of service
  • Effective January 1, 2016:  Part-time employees less than .50 FTE will earn sick leave on a pro rata basis
  • Sick leave usage is recorded on a monthly basis
  • Unused sick leave credits can be accumulated without limit
  • Sick leave is not payable upon termination from OSU

Use of Sick Leave -

An unclassified employee who has earned sick leave must use his/her sick leave accrual for any period of absence from service that is due to the employee’s illness, injury, disability resulting from pregnancy, necessity for medical or dental care, exposure to contagious disease or attendance upon members of the employee’s immediate family (employee’s parents, spouse, children, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or another member of the immediate household) where the employee’s presence is required because of illness or death in the immediate family of the unclassified employee or the employee’s spouse. As an alternative, the employee may submit a request to be on sick leave without pay, upon approval of his or her dean, director or department head. The University may require a physician’s certificate to support the sick leave claim for any absence in excess of fifteen consecutive calendar days or for recurring sick leave use. The University may require a physician’s certificate before allowing the unclassified employee’s return to work to certify that the return would not be detrimental to the unclassified employee or to others.

Effective January 1, 2016 immediate family is expanded to include:  Domestic Partner (same or opposite sex) and Grandchildren.  The term Parent will include:  custodial, non-custodial, adoptive, Foster, biological and step.  The term child will include (biological, adopted, Foster, and step).


  • Eligible employees will receive the following paid holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
  • If employee is on leave without pay when the holiday occurs, the employee will not receive the paid holiday
  • Hourly academic wage appointment employees do not receive paid holidays

Current Year Holiday Schedule

Parental or Family Medical Leaves

The Federal Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the State of Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) provide qualified employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for the birth or adoption of a child, to care for a seriously ill family member, for personal serious health conditions, and to care for a child with a non-serious health condition requiring home care (OFLA only). Within the 12-week time frame, classified employees use accrued paid leave (sick leave, vacation) before taking unpaid leave.  On FMLA-qualifying leaves, OSU will continue to pay the employer-paid portion of OSU medical and dental premiums as long as the employees pay their own portion, if any.  For additional information visit the Family and Medical Leave Act.