300: Student Job Postings and Recruitment

Section 300: Student Job Postings and Recruitment
Effective: 02/01/2021

Oregon State University promotes fair, equal and nondiscriminatory access to employment opportunities for all interested students. Public posting of student job vacancies ensures broader access to a wider range of potential applicants and is in line with the University’s policy on nondiscrimination and equal opportunity. The Student Employment Center will process all postings and interface with the Center of Expertise Employment Systems Manager to resolve any technical concerns.

The University’s online system is used to post student jobs, including on-campus and Federal Work-Study employment opportunities. Various types of student employment require different posting requirements. The resources below will assist you in understanding and following ethical and legal standards in student hiring and development of an effective job description for posting a student job vacancy:


Q: Where can I find the link to login to the online recruiting system to view my posting and applications?
A: The link to the OSU Jobs Online Recruiting System, user login page is: https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/hr

Q: I am having trouble logging into the online recruiting system. Who can I email for help?
A: If you have trouble logging in, make sure you are using your ONID login information. If you continue to experience trouble logging in, email [email protected]

Q: I already know who I want to hire. Do I have to post my student position in the online recruiting system?
A: Yes, unless the position meets the definition of a non-competitive recruitment (uniquely qualified or position lasts less than seven consecutive days). All other student positions are required to be posted to the OSU Jobs Online Recruiting System for a minimum of one business day. Public posting of student job vacancies ensures broader access to a wider range of potential applicants and is in line with the University’s policy on nondiscrimination and equal opportunity.

Q: How do I post a student position on the OSU Jobs Online Recruiting System?
A: Go to Benny Hire, click on the button to “Request Hourly Student Job Posting” and complete the online form.

Q: How long does a student position need to be posted via the OSU Jobs Online Recruiting System?
A: Student positions need to be posted for a minimum of one (1) day, effective 08/15/2017.

Q: Although my student position will be posted via the OSU Jobs Online Recruiting System, I don’t want applicants to apply through the system. Can I use the system to post the job and then do the recruiting (receiving of applications) through my department?
A: No, all student positions must be posted and accept applications via the Online Recruiting System. This will simplify the student experience by using the same profile to apply to all student positions, allows students to better track their application history, provides them with real-world experience, and utilizes the Benny Hire system (which is a requirement). This will also assist the university in tracking, reporting, and records retention.

Q: I submitted a posting request via Benny Hire and it has not posted to the OSU Jobs Online Recruiting System. Why is that?
A: The posting may still be under review by the Student Employment Team or the submitted posting request date is future dated.

Q: I need clarification with creating a posting. Who should I contact?
A: For technical assistance contact [email protected]. All other questions should be sent to the Student Employment Center at [email protected].


Questions regarding postings should be directed to the Student Employment Center at [email protected]