Section 500: Employment Eligibility Requirements
Effective: 8/01/2020
Criminal History Checks
Student employees with critical or security-sensitive duties must successfully complete a criminal history check prior to placement. Please refer to the Criminal History Check Crosswalk for access types and corresponding duty statement examples. Student employee position descriptions must include all duties that are, or could be, assigned to the student employee. Supervisors may not assign new critical or security-sensitive duties without initiating a position description update through Human Resources as new duties may necessitate a new criminal history check.
New criminal history checks may be conducted every 2 years for student employees with direct access to persons under 18 years of age in a Youth Designated Program.
All student employees whose position descriptions are designated as critical or security-sensitive are required to notify the Associate Vice President and CHRO for University Human Resources to self-report convictions if they are convicted of a crime relevant to the determination of fitness as identified in Standard 576-055-0060.
A Criminal History Check Disclosure Notice and Release Authorization must be completed and returned to University Human Resources (contact information is listed on the signature page) to begin the criminal history check process.
Satisfactory completion of a criminal history check is considered a minimum qualification for a critical or security-sensitive position. No applicant with critical or security-sensitive duties may begin employment until the criminal history check process is complete.
Motor Vehicle History Checks
Student employees with driving as an essential function of their position must successfully complete a motor vehicle history check prior to placement. Student employee position descriptions must include the driving duties that are assigned to the student employee. Supervisors may not assign new driving duties without initiating a position description update through Human Resources.
Driving history submission instructions: Please review if the position requires driving a University vehicle, or a personal vehicle, on behalf of the University. The incumbent is required to possess and maintain a valid driver's license in their state of residence. A certified driving record/history can be obtained from the issuing state's DMV for the past 36 months (this may include multiple states if the applicant has held a driver’s license in multiple states in the past 36 months) and either submitted electronically to [email protected], or fax a copy to 541.737.7771 Attn: Employment (most DMV offices will fax directly if requested) or submit a hard copy to: Office of Human Resources Attn: Employment. All student employees with driving as an essential function of their position are required to notify the Associate Vice President and CHRO of University Human Resources to self-report convictions as per Standard 576-056-0000 et seq.
Satisfactory completion of a motor vehicle history check is considered a minimum qualification for positions with driving as an essential function. No applicant with driving duties may begin employment until the motor vehicle history check process is complete.
For additional information, please refer to the University Human Resources website Motor Vehicle History Check or send an email to [email protected].