801: Payroll and Timesheet Processing

Section 800: Workplace Expectations and Conduct

Effective: 02/01/2021

Pay Periods and Payday

OSU processes payroll on a monthly basis. Payday is the last workday of each month for all pay and employee types.

Student employees are paid on an hourly basis.

Pay periods for hourly student employees runs from the 16th of the prior month through the 15th of the current month and identified as current month pay, paid on the last workday of the current month. Example: The pay period of September 16th through October 15th, with payday being on October 31st

For actual pay dates, refer to the OSU Payroll Calendar.

For assistance in locating a missing paycheck, please contact the Student Employment Center at [email protected].

Timesheet Processing

EmpCenter is a web-based attendance system used for all Oregon State University employees. To access EmpCenter, click on Login to EmpCenter at http://mytime.oregonstate.edu/.

At the EmpCenter login page, login with your ONID username and password. For training and user guide information:  http://mytime.oregonstate.edu/empcenter-training/student-temps-hourly

After a student employee is hired, the business center payroll team affiliated with the employing college or department will process the student employee’s monthly timesheets. Timely and accurate pay is required by law.  Please ensure that timesheets, signed by the student employee and supervisor, are submitted through EmpCenter by established deadlines and in accordance with the monthly timeline outlined in the OSU Payroll Calendar.