Create/Access Retirement User Account(s)

If you are unsure what OSU retirement account(s) you are currently enrolled and/or voluntarily participating in, please contact the Retirement team in the Employee Benefits office.

Employee Benefits Retirement Team Email: [email protected] Phone: 541-737-8254 or 541-737-5689

Public Employees Retirement System (PERS)

For employees who are PERS Tier 1, PERS Tier 2, or PERS OPSRP (Tier 3) members.

PERS members have two different user accounts for the two components of their retirement/pension plan:

  1. PERS Pension
  2. PERS Individual Account Program (IAP)

PERS Pension User Account

If you have any issues creating/accessing your user account, please contact PERS directly:

Create User Account

Access User Account

PERS Individual Account Program (IAP) User Account

If you have any issues creating/accessing your user account, please contact PERS directly:

Create User Account

  • Go to the PERS IAP Login Website
  • Click the "Register Now' button
  • Follow the prompts on the screen to create your user account
    • You can use your SSN and date of birth OR SSN and PIN to create your account
    • If you would like to access the website using a PIN, contact PERS at 888-320-7377 or 503-598-7377 to request a PIN and PERS will mail it to you

Access User Account

Oregon Public Universities Optional Retirement Plan (ORP)

For employees who are ORP Tier 1, ORP Tier 2, ORP Tier 3, ORP Tier 4, or ORP Postdoctoral Scholars members.

ORP Plan Vendor (Provider): Fidelity

If you have any issues creating/accessing your user account, please contact Fidelity directly:

  • Phone: 800-343-0860

Create User Account

  1. Go to the Fidelity Login Website
  2. Click "Start Now"
  3. Select the box for "ORP"
  4. Click "Enroll Now"
  5. Click "Get Started"
  6. Click "Register as new user"
  7. Follow the prompts on the screen to create your user account
    • Plan ID: 71681

Access User Account

  • Go to the Fidelity Login Website
  • At the top of the screen, enter your "Username" and "Password"
  • Click the "Log in" button

ORP Plan Vendor (Provider): TIAA

If you have any issues creating/accessing your user account, please contact TIAA directly:

  • Phone: 888-842-2252

Create User Account

  • Go to the TIAA Login Website
  • At the upper right-hand corner, click "Log in"
  • A window will open. Click "Need online access?"
  • Click "Next"
  • Follow the prompts on the screen to create your user account
    • Plan ID: 101528

Access User Account

  • Go to the TIAA Login Website
  • At the top of the screen click "Log In" and enter your "Username" and "Password"
  • Click the "Log in" button

Tax Deferred Investment (TDI) 403(b) Plan

For employees already enrolled/voluntarily participating in the Tax Deferred (TDI) 403(b) Plan.  If you have not enrolled in the TDI 403(b) Plan but would like to, please see the Tax Deferred Investment (TDI) 403(b) Plan Enrollment section of our Voluntary Retirement Savings Programs webpage.

TDI 403(b) Plan Vendor (Provider): Fidelity

If you have any issues creating/accessing your user account, please contact Fidelity directly:

  • Phone: 800-343-0860

Create User Account

  • Go to the Fidelity Login Website
  • Click "Start Now"
  • Select the box for "TDI"
  • Click "Enroll Now"
  • Click "Get Started"
  • Click "Register as new user"
  • Follow the prompts on the screen to create your user account
    • Plan ID: 71678

Access User Account

  • Go to the Fidelity Login Website
  • At the top of the screen, enter your "Username" and "Password"
  • Click the "Log in" button

TDI 403(b) Plan Vendor (Provider): TIAA

If you have any issues creating/accessing your user account, please contact TIAA directly:

  • Phone: 800-842-2888

Create User Account

  • Go to the TIAA Login Website
  • At the upper right-hand corner, click "Log in"
  • A window will open. Click "Register for online access"
  • Follow the prompts on the screen to create your user account
    • Plan ID: 101529

Access User Account

  • Go to the TIAA Login Website
  • At the top of the screen, enter your "Username" and "Password"
  • Click the "Log in" button

Oregon Savings Growth 457 Plan (OSGP)

For employees already enrolled/voluntarily participating in the Oregon Savings Growth 457 Plan (OSGP).  If you have not enrolled in OSGP but would like to, please see the Oregon Savings Growth 457 Plan (OSGP) Enrollment section of our Voluntary Retirement Savings Programs webpage.

If you have any issues creating/accessing your user account, please contact the Oregon Savings Growth 457 Plan (OSGP) directly:

Create User Account

  • Go to the OSGP Login Website.
  • Click on the "Register Now" button.

  • Follow the prompts on the screen to create your user account.

    • You can use your SSN and date of birth OR SSN and PIN to create your account.

    • If you would like to access the website using a PIN, contact PERS at 888-320-7377 or 503-598-7377 to request a PIN and PERS will mail it to you.

Access User Account

  • Go to the OSGP Login Website.
  • Enter your "Username" and "Password"
  • Click the "Enter" button