Flu Shot Clinics

2024 Flu Shot Clinics for Faculty, Staff & Students



Options for Flu Shot Clinics

OSU Medical Insurance Plans cover flu shot clinics at many pharmacies or at medical appointments. Go to this website to learn more.


October 18, 2024 - Hatfield Guin Library, Library Seminar Room from 9:00am - 12:00pm. Flu, COVID booster and a few other vaccines will be offered.


October 17, 2024 - Memorial Union Horizon Room on the OSU Corvallis campus. To register for the October 17, 2024 clinic, please complete the process below by October 10, 2024

Registration for the October 17th clinic is now open.

Information you will need to register for the Flu or COVID Vaccine:

  • The benefit code is case sensitive (all caps): OSUVAC24 and will be needed to sign up for this event
  • We will be offering FluBlok Trivalent vaccine AND this season’s 2024-2025 COVID vaccine (Pfizer’s Comirnaty or Moderna’s Spikevax depending on product availability). Both flu and COVID vaccine will be allocated based on first-come, first-serve availability. COVID supply availability is limited.
  • Active PHARMACY insurance is required to participate in this event
  • We accept most insurance carriers
    • Unfortunately we do not accept Express Scripts, ESI, or Cigna, as well as subsidiaries or partners of Cigna/Express Scripts.
    • OSU will notify you by email prior to your appointment if we were unsuccessful billing your pharmacy insurance. 
  • Please bring all insurance cards with you to your appointment
  • Do not sign up under the Corvallis Fred Meyer location.

Steps for Signing Up

  1. OSU Vaccine Clinic Sign-up
  2. Enter the benefit code (ALL CAPS): OSUVAC24
  3. Enter ‘Vaccines,’ ‘Corvallis, Oregon,’ and ‘10/17/2024’ then click Find Appointment 
  4. For the following page, we are ONLY offering Flu and COVID 12 years of age and older (we will not have pediatric COVID vaccine available). Select which vaccine(s) you’d like to receive and click Continue at the bottom of the page
  5. Select your appointment time and click continue.
  6. Fill out the Patient Eligibility Section. Choose No for ‘Does the patient have a prescription,’ then Continue.
  7. Then Continue again on the following page to confirm your appointment and information.
  8. Fill out the Medical Information page and click Continue
  9. Fill out the Patient Details page and click Continue. Select No for ‘Would you like to add your primary health care provider’s information?’ (all vaccines administered will be upload into the State’s Vaccine Immunization Information System Registry).
  10. Read and Acknowledge the Consent Form by clicking Yes at the bottom of the page and then Continue.
  11. Enter the patient’s legal name and relationship to the responsible party on the following page and click Continue.
  12. Done!

PEBB health plan members do not wish to attend these clinics but are interested in a Flu Shot can also consider these options:

Moda Health
PEBB members enrolled in Moda Health medical plans can visit any in-network pharmacy to receive a flu shot at no cost. Use Moda's Find Care tool to discover an in-network pharmacy near you or call your Moda 360 health navigator at 1-844-776-1594.

Providence Health Plan
PEBB members enrolled in Providence medical plans can visit any in-network pharmacy to receive a flu shot at no cost.

Kaiser Health Plan
PEBB members enrolled in a Kaiser Health Plan are able to attend the OSU Work Site Flu Clinics for flu shot only. Kaiser has also partnered with Albertsons/Safeway and Fred Meyer for employer-sponsored flu shot clinics this year. You may find more information here: 2024 Worksite Flu Shot Clinics