Family and Medical Leave

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) and Oregon Paid Family & Medical Leave (OPFML) were enacted to assist employees and employers in balancing the demands of the workplace with the needs of employees and their families when leave is needed for a serious health condition, pregnancy, parental, bereavement, and military family leave (exigency and caregiver leaves).

Protected Leaves offer job-protected time away from work for your own serious health condition or because you need to care for an eligible family member with a serious health condition or for another qualifying event. Leave may be taken all at once or intermittently as the medical condition requires. The leave laws define who is eligible, what absences and family members qualify, if your health insurance benefits will be protected, and how much leave time you may take during your leave year.

Estimating OPFML Benefits

The Standard released a Benefits Calculator that you may use to give you an idea of what your pay will look like while on an OPFML claim. Use the Benefits Calculator to estimate your OPFML benefits. 

You will have the option to “top up” the benefits paid under OPFML using your accrued leave to make your pay whole in addition to a couple other options that we cover in the google form below (step 3).

Applying for all Protected Leave types (including OPFML)

Step 1: Request a protected leave case in EmpCenter (for all leave types, including OPFML) - The official process for initiating ALL TYPES of protected leave is via EmpCenter request.

You can request protected leave through EmpCenter by:

  • Logging into My Time website located at:
  • Click My Time Off
  • Click Create new request
  • Select Absences for FMLA, OFLA and military leave
  • Answer the questions and submit the request

Step 2: Call The Standard to initiate OPFML claim (if you live and/or physically work in Oregon): Employees will call The Standard’s phone number and speaking with a claims representative. They can be reached at: 1-800-242-1888 | Policy #762197. Employees will go through an intake process with The Standard. The Standard will send e-mail or paper forms to complete the process. Online application is not an option currently.

Hours of operation for the claim intake service center at The Standard are:  Monday-Friday 5am-5pm, Pacific Time.

*Please note: Due to the volume of claims we receive, the OSU Protected Leave office will only be completing the electronic employer statements sent directly from The Standard. Please do not send your supervisor or our office the paper employer statement to complete. You can simply annotate on that portion of the form “Employer will complete electronic Employer Statement request”.

Step 3: Complete this OPFML claim form to let OSU know how you wish to be paid from OSU during your OPFML. Please do not complete this form if you do not live and/or physically work in Oregon – you will be sent next steps based upon your specific job location.

Webinar Recordings

Contact Information

If you have questions regarding protected leave, please reach out to the OSU Protected Leave Office at 541-737-5946 or email [email protected]

Mailing: University Human Resources, 236 Kerr Administration Building, Corvallis, OR 97331-2132
Fax: 541-737-0553