Holiday Schedule

Academic Year Holiday Schedules

Juneteenth Wednesday, June 19, 2024 ALL
Independence Day Thursday, July 4, 2024 ALL
Labor Day Monday, September  2, 2024 ALL
Veterans Day Monday, November 11, 2024 ALL
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 28, 2024 ALL
Day after Thanksgiving Friday, November 29, 2024 ALL
Christmas Day Wednesday, December 25, 2024 ALL
New Years Day Wednesday, January 1, 2025 ALL
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, January 20, 2025



Memorial Day Monday, May 26, 2025 ALL


Juneteenth Thursday, June 19, 2025 ALL
Independence Day Observed Friday, July 4, 2025 ALL
Labor Day Monday, September 1, 2025 ALL
Veterans Day Tuesday, November 11, 2025 ALL
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 27, 2025 ALL
Day after Thanksgiving Friday, November 28, 2025 ALL
Christmas Day Thursday, December 25, 2025 ALL
New Year's Day Thursday, January 1, 2026 ALL
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, January 19, 2026 ALL
Memorial Day Monday, May 25, 2026 ALL


Juneteenth Friday, June 19, 2026 ALL
Independence Day Observed Friday, July 3, 2026 ALL
Labor Day Monday, September 7, 2026 ALL
Veterans Day Wednesday, November 11, 2026  ALL
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 26, 2026 ALL
Day after Thanksgiving Friday, November 27, 2026 ALL
Christmas Day Friday, December 25, 2026 ALL
New Year's Day Friday, January 1, 2027 ALL
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, January 18, 2027 ALL
Memorial Day Monday, May 31, 2027 ALL


Administrator and Supervisor Responsibilities

Administrators and supervisors are responsible for providing adequate staffing coverage for normal operations prior to the start of a holiday. Please be reminded that administrators do not have the authority to close their units without approval of the President or her designee.

Supervisors may authorize classified staff to leave early on a day prior to a holiday as long as the employee records the time as vacation leave or personal leave for the early release time taken. Supervisors cannot provide additional paid leave time to classified staff outside the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.

FLSA non-exempt unclassified employees are also expected to record early release time as usage of accrued leave on their timesheet.

Key Information for Classified Employees:

Please reference the Oregon Public Universities and SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement(Link downloads document).

Eligibility for Holiday Pay

  • Full-time classified employees must be in paid status at least one-half of the last scheduled workday before the holiday and at least one-half of the first scheduled workday after the holiday, provided such scheduled workdays occur within seven (7) calendar days before and after the holiday (Article 38-Section 3).
  • Part-time and hourly classified employees must be in paid status at least one-half of the last scheduled workday before the holiday and at least one-half of the first scheduled workday after the holiday,provided such scheduled workdays occur within seven (7) calendar days before and after the holiday (Article 38, Section 3(B)).
  • Irregular Workweeks
    • Employees assigned irregular workweeks (other than Saturday and Sunday as regular days off) should be credited with compensatory time at a straight-time rate for all holidays that fall on their regular days off.
    • If a classified employee is required to work a 4-10 schedule (four ten-hour days per week), and a holiday falls on a scheduled work day, the employee shall be paid ten (10) hours for the holiday.
    • If a classified employee works a 4-10 work schedule at their request and a holiday falls on their scheduled work day, the employee has the option to either flex their schedule to work four (4) eight (8) hour days in the week the holiday occurs; or maintain their 4-10 schedule and use two (2) hours of accrued leave or leave without pay on the day on which the holiday falls.
  • For questions regarding seasonal part-time and full-time classified employees contact [email protected] or refer to Article 38, Section 3(C).

Special Day (previously known as Governor’s Day)

Eligible full-time classified employees receive an additional paid Special Day off (Article 38-Section 2).

  • In all cases, the Special Day must be used prior to June 30th of that fiscal year or is forfeited.
  • In no case is a Special Day that is unused compensable.
  • Classified employees should record this leave using Pay Code “Special Day” in EmpCenter.
  • Classified employees may request the option of using this paid leave on any mutually agreeable day between July 1 and June 30
  • Temporary classified employees do not receive an additional day of paid leave.

Required to Work on the Holiday

When classified employees are required to work on recognized holidays, they will receive compensatory time off for all holiday time earned. However, an employee may elect to receive cash for hours worked, calculated at a time-and-one-half rate. Please refer to Article 38, Section4.

Key Information for Academic and Professional Faculty (12-Month Employees)

Special Day (previously known as Governor’s Day)

Academic Faculty and Professional Faculty receive eight (8) hours (pro-rated based on FTE for part-time employees) to be taken between the day before Thanksgiving and January 31. The OSU Special Day is to be taken in a single block of time. Eligible academic faculty and professional faculty should record this leave using Pay Code Special Day in EmpCenter.

Eligible employees who are unable to be away from their duties to take the Special Day of paid leave are to be allowed to use the paid leave prior to June 30, 2024. The employee must coordinate schedules with their supervisor to maintain regularly scheduled services.

Employees on short-term/temporary appointments and contractors do not receive an additional day of paid leave.

Academic faculty and professional faculty who are not employed between the day before Thanksgiving and January 31 are ineligible to receive this additional day of paid leave.

Required to Work on the Holiday

Academic Faculty and Professional Faculty (FLSA exempt and non-exempt) who are required to work on a university-recognized holiday are to be compensated for hours worked at the rate of time and one-half in the form of pay or compensatory time off at the discretion of their employing unit.

Questions: Please contact Employee and Labor Relations at [email protected].